The OpenEdge Hive

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 05-Oct-2006 17:01

We are exited to announce a new website: "The OpenEdge Hive" at

"The Hive" is about Progress.

Not just OpenEdge, but also about Sonic, Webspeed, Apama, ObjectStore and the other Progress products. Well, it's a young site and most of the current content is about ABL and OERA, but we will get there.

"The Hive" is about sharing.

There are many websites where individuals are publishing their Progress related material, but they are sometimes hard to locate and we are convinced that these materials deserve a better audience. The Hive has rich tools and servers for everyone to use. You are welcome to add your blogs, whitepapers, products, source code examples, utilities and projects on The Hive.

The Hive is about hosting Open Source projects.

The site has all the facilities you need to host an open source project: source code control, forums, uploads, mailing lists, books, issue trackers. The advantage over Sourceforge for a project initiator is that every visitor is a Progress user, so it is much more likely to receive feedback and contributions. The advantage for visitors is that you can shop for many Progress projects in one place.

The Hive is about communities.

You can create groups, or subscribe to any number of already existing groups. Groups are communities of people who share an interest, for example in a particular project or in OERA design matters or in the wonders of Object Orientation. As a subscriber to a group you can be notified by e-mail or RSS to any updates that happen in the group. Replies to such emails are automatically imported and added to The Hive.

The Hive is about searching and finding.

Not only can you add or host your material on The Hive itself, but you can also add links to other websites, or to material on other websites. Ultimately, we believe that The Hive will be able to find everything you search for.

The Hive combines all of the above.

When you have something to share, and choose to put it on The Hive, you can optionally allow visitors to comment and expand on your material to make it better, and you will receive email notifications when that happens. Your material will be categorized, grouped and indexed so visitors can always locate it. When you want to manage a project, you can use the Group features to communicate with the people you are working with or who are using your product. When you manage a group, you can easily invite other visitors to join.

Of course we are at the very beginning. We are hoping that many authors who have their software posted at various places around the internet will take advantage of The Hive to make their software available, hopefully taking advantage of the rich features and targeted audiences.

The OpenEdge Hive,

John Green

Thomas Mercer-Hursh, Ph.D.

Jurjen Dijkstra

Please visit:

All Replies

Posted by Mike Ormerod on 06-Oct-2006 07:17

Hi Guys

How about having a link to PSDN under your links section

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 06-Oct-2006 11:02

Good idea ... would you use the contact form to give us some suggested language?

Better yet, publish some content, like making the .df to EA tool into an open source project.

Message was edited by:

Thomas Mercer-Hursh, Ph.D.

Posted by johnallengreen on 06-Oct-2006 11:32

There was already a white pages and yellow pages entry for PSDN.

I added a "User Link", which you can find by browsing here:

...and click on it to see the description.

If you create a user login on the Hive, I'd be happy to turn over ownership of that node to you so you can change any details you want. (Change the description, add a logo, etc.)

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