I work with Windev (a software development tool : http://www.windev.com/) and Progress V8, I would like to know if it is possible to program stored procedures in Progress DB, and to use them from Windev. If not, does exist an alternative ?
Thank you !
No. The Progress database does not implement "stored procedures". At least not in the manner that someone coming from a SQL background would expect.
Instead Progress has something even better called an "app server". App servers work with v8 but v8 is a very ancient release and if you don't already have the necessary v8 app server license you probably cannot obtain it any more. So you will need to upgrade.
Yes. Using a SQL92 connection to the Progress/OpenEdge database, you can implement stored procedures, however the store procedures must be implemented in Java.
No SQL92 with version 8...
Indeed, let's face it, SQL in version 8 was fantastically primitive considering where it is today. One absolutely wants to get to the current wire protocol drivers.
Are you using the Windev .NET product? If so then you really, really, want OE10 with it's .NET support.