Any form of intelisense for 9.1 that someone hacked up or ne thing. Being that im new i was looking for a form of intelisense and i found abhack but im having mad trouble getting it to work.
What kind of problems are you having with ABHack? I have it working on V9.1D09, V9.1E04 and 10.1A02.. Also, what version of Progress are you using??
I'm running version 9.1d09 and when i did all the readme steps. i had the icon in the pro tools and i clicked on it. My computer froze up and had to end it. The error that came up with something to do with the load controls.
ill post another one of the exact error just incase that can help here in a min
It said something along the lines of catosptrophic failure and the problem had somethign to do with loadcontrols
Okay, that will be the .wrx files that are causing the issue. To fix this problem, open each .w file (ABHackWin.w, procEditorList.w & procEditorTooltip.w) in the AppBuilder and save each file. This will regenerate the .wrx files in a format V9.1D09 can understand (it changed with V9.1E and up). Then close these files and try starting ABHack again.
im unable to open any of those windows in the app builder, however i can open them in the proceditor. Would it still work if i did it that way.
when i open it in app builder i get erros saying somethign to do with the CtlrSpy.TimerSpy
No, the procedure editor won't regenerate the .wrx files. Send me a private message with your email and I will email you the V9.1D compatible wrx files.
hey kevin if you wouldnt mind could u send that to my other email i think i pmed you the address, for some reason right now our mail server up here is messing up
Just sent..