Reading values from smartdatabrowser at button click

Posted by Admin on 26-Jan-2007 02:32

I am a beginner to Progress GUI development, and am trying to find the answer to this presumably easy task.

I have a Window with three components; a button, a "Fill-In" (text field) and a SmartDataBrowser. How can I e.g. read the contents of the SmartDataBrowser and put e.g. all values in first-column into the Fill-In when clickin the button?

myFillIn:SCREEN-VALUE = h_dynbrowser.... etc???

Please help.

All Replies

Posted by Admin on 26-Jan-2007 02:48

I have tried something like this:


but it says it can't find browse h_dynbrowser...

Posted by kevin_saunders on 26-Jan-2007 03:39

I have tried something like this:


BROWSE h_dynbrowser.

but it says it can't find browse h_dynbrowser...

The reason it says it cannot find browse h_dynbrowser is because h_dynbrowser is a handle to the dynamic browse and you are trying to reference it as a static object.

What you need to do is get the handle of the data source of the browse (the SDO or the query associated with the browse), and then the handle to the buffer-field you are interested in, followed by the buffer-value of the buffer-field..



Posted by Admin on 29-Jan-2007 12:21

Ok, I think I get what you mean.

Could you provide some code examples?

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