any way to connect progress 9.1C running on sco openserver 5

Posted by klabelkholosh on 03-Apr-2007 06:48


I am trying to set up an ODBC connection for a client that will allow a Windows XP app to connect via ODBC to a Progress 9.1C database running on SCO Openserver 5.0.5. The only problem thus far is that for 9.1C running on OpenServer 5.0.5, Progress do not supply the Merant drivers they usually do. While I haven't been able to get a workaround from them other than upgrading, I've tried OpenLink odbc drivers to no avail (also no 9.1C support for 5.0.5). Would anyone know of any sort of workaround or alternative to getting these things to connect?

Thanks very much


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