Database status problem

Posted by Admin on 14-Dec-2007 00:07


I have an issue regarding database status.

How can i figure out whether my database is down or not. Database server is another remote machine. Through Progress 4GL statement, how could i do this or isthere any command of "PROENV" through which i can found the status of DB?



All Replies

Posted by rstanciu on 14-Dec-2007 05:59

If your remote site databases are started using AdminServer,

you cas use dbman tool to start/query/stop databases.

Else, if your don't use AdminServer but your database is started

using TCP/IP you can use a os-command network tool to query if the tcp port is alive:

$: nmap --host_timeout 3000 --max_rtt_timeout 500 --min_rtt_timeout 50

-p yourHostNameOrIP

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 14-Dec-2007 11:21

Lookup PROUTIL db-name -C busy

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