Crystal reports and java

Posted by slejeune on 14-May-2007 09:48


I have downloaded some sample code to use crystal reports and java open client:

It says at the top of the crjava_installation.txt:

This concept works with Crystal 9, Crystal 10, Progress 9.x and OpenEdge 10

I am using crystal XI with OE10.1B. Is there an updated document anywhere?

Step 4 says to add an item to regedit but this version of CR has a different structure. I took a guess and put JavaBeansClassPath here:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Business Objects\Suite 11.5\Crystal Reports\Database\JavaBeansClassPath

The text continues:

"Now, you should see the crproxy as one of the possible choices".

Where would this be?

When I double-click on Java Beans Connectivity I get an error:

Invalid Argument provided.

Details: Please Choose a Java Bean Class.

Should I see it somewhere else?

Any ideas?



All Replies

Posted by Stefan Drissen on 18-Jun-2007 16:50

In Crystal XI the ClassPath is stored in an XML file, see

I would be interested if you are able to get parameters passed correctly from the Crystal User Interface to your Java Bean - this is where I was stranded, UI pops up asking for parameters as defined in method but no user input received on the Java side, effectively rendering the Java Bean approach useless.

Posted by Admin on 03-Jan-2008 16:29

Good afternoon, excuse me i try to connect progress using javabeans and i get the error "

Posted by KorakSchoone on 12-Feb-2008 09:58

We have the exact same problem. We're using Crystal Reports XI release 2 and OpenEdge 10.1B latest service pack.

Any help would be appreciated.



Posted by bbe on 19-Feb-2008 15:52

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