We have a 3 Tier open client application, the front end is java connecting Progress Appserver via Nameserver NS1 and so on (Using Progress OE10.1B03)
Database and Appserver is running on one machine.
The Appserver Connection is up to 10 times slower connecting the same database and the same appserver configuration runnning on a windows machine as running on a linux machine (same cpu, harddrive, memory, network ...and the same configuration.)
But if we are starting the javaclient on the same machine (windows localhost Appserver connection) the performance is very ok and similar to a Client Connection via network to the linux server...
Can anyone help us ? It seems to depend on the count of network packages, all the more so much the worse....
Please contact Tech Support. This sounds like a known issue with slow OpenClient connection that was fixed in 10.1C. To get it fixed in 10.1B03 you will need to make a patch request with a business case. Please feel free to mention my name, Roy Ellis, to whomever you speak to in Tech Support.