Webclient on Linux ?

Posted by Admin on 28-Dec-2006 23:11

When Progress are going to release Webclient for Linux ?

My company are going to switch client platform to Linux , and an small but important in-house program written in Progress 9.1 running on Webclient, is the main obstacle.

We are planning to move to Java eventually if there is no Webclient for Linux, Webspeed is not our option.

We try to run Webclient Win32 using wine on Linux but fail on the installation stage.

Is progress plan to open source the Progress Webclient , so that somebody can help to port it to other platform.

All Replies

Posted by Admin on 29-Dec-2006 01:37

When Progress are going to release Webclient for

Linux ?

Well the WebClient is a stripped version of the 4GL Win32 runtime. So that means the GUI is written with MFC. I doubt that Progress will rewrite the MFC-front end...

We try to run Webclient Win32 using wine on Linux but

fail on the installation stage.

Have you tried to copy the required files instead? I think that will work (the installer probably checks the registry).

Posted by Admin on 29-Dec-2006 21:50

thanks for the reply.

We are trying to install OpenEdge 10b Webclient instead of Progress 9.1 Webclient because upgrading to OpenEdge is one of the alternative option.

Never try to manually copy the files and not sure which files to copy .

If the webclient is written in MFC , I also think that Progress won't release Linux version.

Hopefully Progress will consider to release Webclient to open source community because there should not affect the Progress revenue. In constrast, it may help to keep the market of Progress in the open source trend nowdays.

Posted by Admin on 30-Dec-2006 03:58

Never try to manually copy the files and not sure

which files to copy .

Try to install the WEB-client on a Windows box without Progress software installed. It's on the CD "webinstall\webclient\web_image" (see KB "OpenEdge Deployment: WebClient Applications"). Start copying the files to Linux and see what's missing. Add the missing parts until it works.

The tricky part will be getting MFC on Wine....

A different angle would be running VMWare on Linux for hosting the WebClient...

If the webclient is written in MFC , I also think

that Progress won't release Linux version.

Hopefully Progress will consider to release Webclient

to open source community because there should not

affect the Progress revenue. In constrast, it may

help to keep the market of Progress in the open

source trend nowdays.

I think that will be hard, since that basically means opening up the Progress 4GL runtime....

Posted by Admin on 02-Jan-2007 22:39

Try to install the WEB-client on a Windows box

without Progress software installed. It's on the CD

"webinstall\webclient\web_image" (see KB "OpenEdge

Deployment: WebClient Applications"). Start copying

the files to Linux and see what's missing. Add the

missing parts until it works.

The tricky part will be getting MFC on Wine....

Ok, will make a try on the manually copy after after the fail installation. I just worry that the registry is incomplete

A different angle would be running VMWare on Linux

for hosting the WebClient...

We don't plan to use this option because it still require a Windows license to do so and defeat the purpose of migrate to Linux

I think that will be hard, since that basically means

opening up the Progress 4GL runtime....

hmm ... what a pity.

I think my company most probably will give up Progress in the case if wine cannot run webclient. We may rewrite the application using Java , or even using Ruby on Rail, the cost saving to migrate to Linux is too significant compare to rewrite the small application.

Posted by rstanciu on 04-Oct-2007 10:03

You can find here a mini-how-to install OpenEdge on Linux

Desktop over the wine emulation.


Posted by Admin on 27-Mar-2008 21:17

Hi Rares,

Thx for your reply.

Unfortunately , I could not access to the link that you provided , would anybody help me ?


Posted by mhtan88 on 31-Mar-2008 01:00

May I know how to let openedge webclient able to run in Linux?

Posted by rstanciu on 31-Mar-2008 10:49

This is the notes I take last year. Hope it helps.



Mini-How-To: OpenEdge GUI for Linux

Progress OpenEdge GUI on Linux based systems.



1. My configuration


GNU/Linux 2.6.17-5mdv i686

Mandriva Linux release 2007.0 (Official) for i586

Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 2.00GHz

MemTotal: 2075704 kB

Graphical card: ATI Radeon(fglrx)

3D Desktop (compiz) and KDE

wine --version: 0.9.44

Progress OpenEdge v.10.1B Win32

(Licenced for OE-Studio and ClientNetworking)

2. Wine installation and configuration


Wine (win32 emulation for unix systems) can be installed on your

machine using your linux distribution default installer like:

yum (FedoraCore,RedHat), urpmi (Mandriva). This is the best option

because the installer takes for you all dependences libs.

You can always take the code source from http://winehq.org and

compile yourself. To be clear on my history, I'm used the code

source. The compilation is simple: extract your archive

in a temporary directory and type ./tools/wineinstall or



./make depend

./make uninstall

./make install

      • check if you have "flex" and "bison"

After the installation of "wine" use a normal user login and

type "winecfg". He create a ~/.wine directory with a default configuration.

You can change the windows version to XP if you wants.

3. OpenEdge installation on wine


Create a temporary directory on ~/.wine/drive_c and copy there your

Progress OpenEdge Win32 distribution.

Start the Progress installation normaly:

cd ~/.wine/drive_c/temp

wine setup.exe

Follow the OpenEdge installation and let the InstallShield finish his job.

I used DLC=C:\DLC.10.1B and the WRKDIR=C:\WRK.10.1B.

You will get a lot of errors. Ignore all errors.

In the mean time, take a real windozeXP machine (or a vmware) and install

OpenEdge in the same place (DLC=C:\DLC.10.1B,WRKDIR=C:\WRK.10.1B.).

After the "wine" installation finished then ...

copy all files from the REAL windows system to

your WINE installation directory. This operation fix all your "wine"

installation errors.

Now, on the REAL Windows system, you have to export from registry (regedit)

the registry key named PSC.

Export the registry key PSC from CURRENT_USER and LOCAL_MACHINE.

Attention!!!, you have to export these keys using the format type REGEDIT4

(WindowsNT4 format, combo-box -> export type).

Copy these files on Linux and start the "regedit".

Using this application you can import the original

registry files from Windows to your "wine" installation.

Copy all Progress lib's to "wine" installation:

cp -r ~/.wine/drive_c/DLC.10.1B/bin/system


Manualy register these libraries:

cd ~/.wine/drive_c/DLC.10.1B/bin/system

regsvr32 pstimer.ocx

regsvr32 oleaut32.dll

regsvr32 olepro32.dll

regsvr32 mscomctl.ocx

regsvr32 sstree.ocx

regsvr32 comctl32.ocx

regsvr32 cslist32.ocx

regsvr32 cihttp.ocx

regsvr32 olepro32.dll

regsvr32 mscomctl.ocx

regsvr32 comctl32.ocx

copy all Windows Fonts from the REAL Windows system (c:\windows\fonts)

to: ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/fonts/

4. Create a UTF-8 database on Linux


prodb sports2000 sports2000;

proutil sports2000 -C truncate BI -G 0;

proutil -by sports2000 -C convchar convert utf-8 -G 0;

$DLC/bin/proutil -C wbreak-compiler $DLC/prolang/convmap/utf8-bas.wbt 254;

$DLC/bin/proutil sports2000 -C word-rules 254;

Open the firewall:

/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 25000:25011 -j ACCEPT

$DLC/bin/proserve -cpstream utf-8 -cpinternal utf-8 -charset utf-8

-cpcase basic -cpcoll basic -

db sports2000 -S 25000 -minport 25001 -maxport 25011 >/dev/null 2>&1


netstat -tln | grep 25000

tcp 0 0* LISTEN

Start the Data Dictionary ...

Load LANG.df and LANG.d


Change the Linux Konsole encodig to utf-8



cd ~/.wine/drive_c/WRK.10.1B;


env DLC="c:\DLC.10.1B" JAVA_HOME="c:\DLC.10.1B\jre" PROMSGS="c:\DLC.10.1B\promsgs" WRKDIR="c:\WRK.10.1B" WINEPREFIX="/home/rares/.wine" wine "C:\DLC.10.1B\bin\ini2reg.exe"



cd ~/.wine/drive_c/WRK.10.1B;


env DLC="c:\DLC.10.1B" JAVA_HOME="c:\DLC.10.1B\jre" PROMSGS="c:\DLC.10.1B\promsgs" WRKDIR="c:\WRK.10.1B" WINEPREFIX="/home/rares/.wine" wine "C:\DLC.10.1B\bin\prowin32.exe" -p _edit.p -cpstream utf-8 -cpinternal utf-8 -charset utf-8 -cpcase basic -cpcoll basic -db sports2000 -S 25000 >/dev/null 2>&1;



run ../test_UTF-8.p.


%DLC%\bin\progress.ini ->> for UTF-8 ?


Posted by rstanciu on 10-Apr-2008 06:42

The server was down, now is ok.

Here you can see all screen-shots I've made:


Posted by mhtan88 on 01-May-2008 07:45

thanks for the information. I have tested the openedge10.0b. it is successful up and running. but, for the webclient openedge10.0b. may i know is there any way to use wine to execute in linux environment?

Posted by rstanciu on 05-May-2008 04:46

I don't known if I understend very well your question,

but if you try to execute a batch process under wine emulation

you have "wineconsole cmd" for batch mode (DOS command).

If you try to execute a unix shell command under wine emulation, the

best method is to use a call AppServer which is running on the linux system.

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