java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: java/security/AccessControll

Posted by Admin on 03-Dec-2008 15:00

Hello all,

I have been trying to solve this problem for over the last 4 days and I need help. The error message indicates that there is a security restriction, but I cannot confirm this. Please have a look below.

Database Version : PROGRESS Version 9.1D0920 as of Tue Oct 19 20:04:28 EDT 2004


java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: java/security/AccessController.doPrivileged Possible causes: If you are trying to use J/Direct (@dll.import),

check your compiler version (for JVC, requires 4336 or greater.) If you are trying to use RNI, there are new requirements: see documentation.

at java/security/AccessController.doPrivileged

at java/rmi/server/RemoteServer.

at com/progress/vj/util/ProDialog.getActiveProDlg

at com/progress/vj/util/

at com/progress/vj/util/ProMsgBox.error

at com/progress/vj/util/ProMsgBox.error

at com/progress/vj/sql/explorer/SQLExplorerGUI.doRunAction

at com/progress/vj/sql/explorer/SQLExplorerGUI.executeButton_click

at com/progress/vj/sql/explorer/SQLExplorerGUI.toolBar_buttonClick

at com/ms/wfc/ui/ToolBarButtonClickEventHandler.invoke

at com/ms/wfc/ui/ToolBar.onButtonClick

at com/ms/wfc/ui/ToolBar.wmReflectCommand

at com/ms/wfc/ui/ToolBar.wndProc

at com/ms/wfc/ui/Control$ControlWindow.wndProc

at com/ms/wfc/app/Window.callback

at com/ms/wfc/win32/Windows.SendMessage

at com/ms/wfc/ui/Control.sendMessage

at com/ms/wfc/ui/Control.reflectMessage

at com/ms/wfc/ui/Control.wmCommand

at com/ms/wfc/ui/Control.wndProc

at com/ms/wfc/ui/Form.wndProc

at com/ms/wfc/app/Application$ParkingForm.wndProc

at com/ms/wfc/ui/Control$ControlWindow.wndProc

at com/ms/wfc/app/Window.callback

at com/ms/wfc/win32/Windows.CallWindowProc

at com/ms/wfc/app/Window.defWndProc

at com/ms/wfc/ui/Control$ControlWindow.defWndProc

at com/ms/wfc/ui/Control.defWndProc

at com/ms/wfc/ui/Control.wmMouseUp

at com/ms/wfc/ui/Control.wndProc

at com/ms/wfc/ui/ToolBar.wndProc

at com/ms/wfc/ui/Control$ControlWindow.wndProc

at com/ms/wfc/app/Window.callback

at com/ms/wfc/win32/Windows.DispatchMessage

at com/ms/wfc/app/Application$ThreadContext.runMessageLoop

at com/ms/wfc/app/

at com/progress/vj/sql/explorer/SQLExplorerGUI.main

Cause & Symptom

I am trying to execute the following query:



select jm.jobnum

,jm.partnum as MtlPart

,jm.revisionnum as MtlRev

,jh.partnum as FGDSPart

,cast(jm.requiredqty as varchar(25)) as requiredqty

,cast(jm.issuedqty as varchar(25)) as issuedqty



when jm.issuedComplete = 0 then 'no'

when jm.issuedcomplete = 1 then 'yes'

end as issuedCompleted

, cast(jm.requiredqty - jm.issuedqty as varchar(25)) as toBeIssued

,cast(jm.reqDate as varchar(25)) as reqDate

,'' as qtyOnhand

,'' as qtyShort

from pub.jobhead jh

,pub.jobmtl jm

,pub.jobasmbl ja

where = '

and jh.duedate is not null

and jh.jobclosed = 0

and jh.jobcompletionDate is null

and jh.partnum like '%'

and jh.jobcomplete = 0

and = '

and =

and jh.jobnum = ja.JobNum

and jh.partnum = ja.partnum

and = '

and =

and jm.jobnum = ja.jobnum

and jm.partnum like '%'

and jm.jobnum = ja.jobnum

and jm.AssemblySeq = jm.assemblyseq

and jm.mtlseq >= 0

and jm.jobcomplete = 0

and jm.requiredqty - jm.issuedqty > 0

and jh.duedate between to_date('7/28/2008') and to_date('11/19/2008')



select cast(pr.duedate as varchar(25)) as "Due_Date"

,cast(pr.relqty as varchar(25)) as DueQty

,'' as vendor

,cast(pr.relqty as varchar(25)) as relqty

,cast(pr.receivedqty as varchar(25)) as recvqty

,cast(pr.ponum as varchar(25)) as ponum

,cast (pr.poline as varchar(25)) as poline

, cast (pr.porelnum as varchar(25)) as porelnum

, pd.partnum

, pd.revisionnum

from pub.porel pr inner join PUB.PODetail pd

ON ( =

and pr.ponum = pd.ponum

and pr.poline = pd.poline

and = 'ACME'


) as po


( =

and job.jobnum = po.jobnum

and job.assemblyseq = po.assemblyseq

and =

and job.ponum = po.ponum

and job.poline = po.poline

and job.mtlPart = po.partnum

and job.mtlRev = po.revisionnum


Actions Taken:

º Created the Environment Variables CLASSPATH and Path

º System knows where to find Progress.jar,jdbc.jar, prowin.jar,, messages.jar, tools.jar, the DLC java folder, the DLC bin folder, the DLC jre folder

º Installed Java j2sdk1.4.2_18

º Rebooted Machine

º Create secondary SQL broker

Attempts Made

I tried to find the compiler but there doesn't appear to be one in the DLC directory. Should I have the jvc.exe on my server? If so, it is not there. Javac.exe is installed on the server, but it appears to be used by Crystal Reports/Business Objects, not progress

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