Backup Dump on Linux

Posted by Admin on 09-Feb-2009 03:32

I have taken a full backup using the PROBKUP utility on LINUX.

I need to restore the backup on Windows for which i followed the steps below.

1. Run PROSTRCT create rtb –blocksize 8192

2. PROCOPY %DLC%\empty8 rtb

3. PROREST rtb rtb.bkup

Result :

PROGRESS Version 9.1E as of Tue Oct 12 20:29:29 EDT 2004

Area Number mismatch, backup has 0, database has 6

Restore failed. (1618)

!!! ERROR - Database restore utility FAILED !!! (8564)

I know that the Knowledge base says that doing this is not possible (Dumping on Linux & restoring on Windows) but i thought may be there is an unsupported way of doing it.

Would sincerely appreciate



All Replies

Posted by kevin_saunders on 09-Feb-2009 04:33

You could try mounting a Windows directory on Linux and using procopy to pump it across, but (as with all methods except dump & load) it is unsupported..

Posted by ChUIMonster on 09-Feb-2009 08:09

Why don't you just dump & load?

Posted by Admin on 09-Feb-2009 22:40

Could you please elaborate on dump & load. I beleive i have done a dump using PROBKUP & Load using PROREST. Is there something i am misunderstanding.

Posted by Admin on 09-Feb-2009 22:58

Hi Tom,

Thanks for the reply. But i am not clear on when you say just dump & load. If you could provide the steps that would help

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 10-Feb-2009 00:10

Dump and load is quite different from a probkup. Probkup is one file for the whole database in a proprietary format. Dump is to one file per table in plain ASCII format, with a special trailer that helps to make for more intelligent loads. When changing platforms, it is generally the case that one does a dump and load.

There is a binary dump and load as well and a variety of other ways to move data from A to B, but the old simple dump and load is just that, very simple, and a right thing to do when moving platforms. There are reasons to consider other approaches, like large databases and time constraints, but for one time moving of modest size, just do it.

Posted by rmarshal on 10-Feb-2009 13:04

Because you are changing operating systems, you need to do a dump/load.

Depending on the size of your database, you can do this either from the data admin tool (dump .df, table contents and sequence current values); build your new db and load everything back in; or you can dump the database table by table using the proutil dump/load routines (binary dump / load)

There are many examples of each in the support knowledgebases

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