FTP in Progress

Posted by ojfoggin on 26-Feb-2009 05:31

I have been given the task of automating the FTP transfer of a couple of report files after they have been produced in Progress.

We are working on a Unix back end and I can FTP using the UNIX console quite easily.

However, I'm not sure how it would be possible to do this from within a Procedure?

I'm fairly new to Progress so I may be missing something obvious.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you


All Replies

Posted by ojfoggin on 26-Feb-2009 06:16

I have found a solution.

I had a quick explore and found the UNIX function.

From there I have created a shell script that will transfer the files I need and then I run the shell script from the UNIX Progress Function.

Posted by ojfoggin on 26-Feb-2009 07:09

Sorry for the multiple posts but this is part of the same issue so I thought I should keep it together.

I have a shell script file running my FTP and I can input paramteres for the file names.

Is there any way of using Progress variables as the input parametes in the UNIX shell?

Thanks again for the help!


Posted by Simon de Kraa on 26-Feb-2009 07:15

Maybe something like:

os-command(substitute("os-command ftp.sh &1 &2", Host, Port)).

With ftp.sh is:


Host = $1

Port = $2

Edit: we use socket programming to directly interface with port 21 from the 4GL; but I guess this solution will suffice for your problem.

Message was edited by:

Simon de Kraa

Posted by ojfoggin on 26-Feb-2009 08:08

Thank you.

In the end I used this...

os-command value("./ftpscript.sh " + file1 + " " + file2).

That worked a treat


Posted by Tim Kuehn on 27-Feb-2009 16:29

it's also possible to do input-output through to an FTP client and control the FTP client from the ABL client.

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