I'm trying to extract some data from the Progress DB of a company that we're taking over & whenever I try to extract from one of the important reference tables, it comes up with the following error
[DataDirect][ODBC Progree OpenEdge Wire Protocol driver][OPENEDGE]Array element value overflow. (12664).
I know which field in the table this is erroring on & assume that there's some issue with the field length & the fact that the field contains semi-colon separated values.
Because we've not yet fully merged with the company we're taking over, I can't get access to the server which holds the DB, so there's nothing I can change on there to amend this.
All I have is an ODBC connection to the DB, which I'm trying to extract the data into Excel (using MS Query) or Access (using SQL Passthrough query), just so we can interogate it.
Does anyone know of a way that I can either extract all of the data & ignore the fields which are causing this error, or a way of getting round this error that doesn;'t involve getting onto the server to change any DB setting?
Any help or guidance would be very much appreciated.