I'm pleased to announce an upcoming OpenEdge Developer's Corner webinar on adding an ABL wrapper to a .NET control.
Developer productivity benefits significantly from the use of a component-based design approach. In OpenEdge, ABL User Controls and Inherited Controls can be used as a way to achieve this, and can help to make OpenEdge Ultra Controls easier to use and reuse in applications.
In this session, Peter Judge, Principal Software Engineer for OpenEdge, demonstrates how to wrap an UltraToolbarsManager control using an ABL Inherited Control. Many applications store menu and toolbar definitions in a database, and while the UltraToolbarsManager control has no data binding by default, the ABL wrapper provides a straightforward way to extend and enhance its behaviors through OO inheritance.
The example in this session will leverage these concepts to illustrate the creation of an ABL-inherited control that uses ABL data along with the UltraToolbarsManager to create menus and toolbars in your application at runtime.
To register for this webinar, please click here.
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BUMP ...
starts today in less than one hour!