How to limit the number of row using dataGridView and ultraG

Posted by Admin on 09-Sep-2009 20:58


    I have probblem using dataGridView and ultraGrid tool in openedge architect 10.2A...

    How can i limit the number of row when it display the data in a page...

    In case i got 20 record...but i want display 10 record per page...

    I try to find how to set the maximum row...but still didn't work...

   Anyone who know how to solve my problem either using  dataGridView or ultraGrid tool, please let me know...

Thank  you..

All Replies

Posted by Admin on 09-Sep-2009 22:10

Well I don't understand why you'd want to display only 10 records and not 20 and let the UltraGrid deal with the scrolling, but never mind (the ProBindingSource also does perfectly support batching).

The UltraGrid's bindingSource (Progress.Data.BindingSource) should be bound to a query. I think you need to open your query in a way, that it just returns the first 10 records:

OPEN QUERY qBindingSource FOR EACH record WHERE record.record_num 

Posted by Admin on 09-Sep-2009 22:27


     Thank for your answer...

     Actually, i want display all record...but how can i limit to display the record in one page... my case...if i got 20 retrieved record, i want display its in 2 page. 10 record will displayed in 1st page and next 10 record displayed in 2nd page....

     I don know how to setting maximum row if i using dataGridView or ultraGrid... That's is my problem... Let me know if got any idea....

Posted by Admin on 10-Sep-2009 14:05

I still don't understand the use case.

Do you want to implement your own scrolling in the Grid? What's wrong with the build in ones?

Posted by Admin on 10-Sep-2009 21:12


     Actually the problem is I want to display the records from the database in the datagrid where the display view of the database rows should be set to 10 rows.

     The next record should be displayed once the user click the next button..

Posted by Admin on 10-Sep-2009 23:56

I'm pretty sure you need to provide a solution based on the Query:

FOR EACH table WHERE table.recordNum >= 1 AND table.recordNum 


FOR EACH table WHERE table.recordNum >= 11 AND table.recordNum 


If that does not work (because there is no matching selection criteria), look into ProDatasets and their batching mechanism or a simpler temp-table based solution. Or explain your users the use of the scrollbar on the grid.

Posted by Admin on 10-Sep-2009 23:58

muni schrieb:

     Actually, i want display all record...but how can i limit to display the record in one page...

How can you know (and why would you want to know), that the display size is 10 rows? Aren't your screens resizable and the grids size is more or less randomly?

Posted by Admin on 11-Sep-2009 01:22

Hai Mike, I need to limit the number of rows to fullfill the user interface requirement as the one I attached below. Insteed of scrolling through datagrid we have the next and previous button. Therefore I want to know how to set the number of the rows in the datagrid and how to control record display using next and previous button. Any idea?

Posted by Admin on 11-Sep-2009 02:03

muni schrieb:

Hai Mike, I need to limit the number of rows to fullfill the user interface requirement as the one I attached below.

Not every requirement makes perfect sense or the author of the requirement knew what's standard for the target platform. A righ GUI application has different standards than a web application, a next page - previous page style of navigation is very much a mimic of a web application.

Have you tried my previous suggestings using open query or a ProDataset batching mechanism?

Another way might be trying with the Hidden property of Rows in the UltraGrid. Something like that may work:

DO i = 0 TO ultraGrid1:DisplayLayout:Bands[0]:Rows:

   ultraGrid1:DisplayLayout:Bands[0]:Rows[i]:Hidden = (i


But I'd try to solve the requirements issue first.

Posted by Admin on 14-Sep-2009 03:15

Hi Mike,
     Sorry for the late reply.... I was buzy with other stuff since few days and just wanna try the one u gave me. Let u knw the progress later once I tried.

Thanks for your help.

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