OpenEdge 9.1D VS ODBC: error in network daemon | network err

Posted by Admin on 03-Jun-2010 10:43

Hi guys!!!!!!!

I spent the whole moring trying to fix this problem.

I'm trying to connect locally to progress via ODBC using the MERANT 3.60 32.BIT PROGRESS SQL 92 V9.1D

I can't connect, the errors are (depending on the parameters used to configure ODBC):

Network error on server or client initialization

Error in network daemon


1) what about licences? I need this working on my local computer, everything will be on the same machine.

2) which should be the default port? (neither 2050, nor 2055)

3) Do I need to start a server instance using proserve in order to run this ODBC connection?

Many thanks!



ok, so, reading this

now I know that I need to start the server using proserve.

But now I have this problem:

C:\Progress\DLC91d\bin>proserve -db auxdb.db -N TCP -H localhost -S progress

PROGRESS Version 9.1D as of Wed May  8 17:24:00 EDT 2002
Unabled to set -c <classpath> option, error in argument: (@{JAVA\JRECP} ROGRESSCP})

how can I solve this last problem?


All Replies

Posted by kevin_saunders on 07-Jun-2010 08:19

Is the "progress" service that you are using defined in the services file?If not, try using a port number instead (anything above 2500 should be fine).

If it is defined, try using _mprosrv instead of proserv (but make sure you are running this in a proenv window).

Posted by Admin on 07-Jun-2010 09:00

Well, after all I could solve this.

If you are working locally first you need to RUN proserve.

Then (with the service running) you are able to configure your OBDC DSN.

You may have some errors related to user authorizations, you need to run sqlexp to grant access (in theory, but for some reason my sqlexp is crashed).



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