Openedge explorer - node Openedge is disabled

Posted by gdb390 on 08-Dec-2009 04:45


We have Openedge explorer 10.2A (32 bit) installed on a windows server 2008 R2 - 64 bit.

we also installed Openedge 10.1C03 (32 bit).

This worked fine for a few days, but now we encountered the problem that the openedge node is disabled.

Has anyone had this problem before ?

We made a call with TS, but there we got the answer back that Windows Server 2008 R2 has not been certified yet .

kind regards



All Replies

Posted by gdb390 on 15-Jun-2010 09:49

Response from Tech Support, thanks to Sacha Kraljevic

The following is a Progress Software solution:

Title: Cannot expand the OpenEdge tree view in OE Explorer due to missing pdh.dll file
ID: P158938
Status: Unverified
Audience: External

Symptom    Cannot expand the OpenEdge tree view

Symptom    Cannot view databases in OE Explorer

Symptom    Cannot view databases in OpenEdge Explorer

Symptom    OpenEdge Explorer does not show list of resource

Symptom    Error building resource table menu in OpenEdge Explorer

Symptom    Cannot expand the OpenEdge tree view in OE Explorer

Symptom    Cannot expand the OpenEdge tree view to view the Database resource in OE Explorer.

Symptom    Admserv.log file shows osmetrics plugin fails to install

Symptom    Error 7433 in admserv.log file

Symptom    Failed to install plugin Plugin.System. (7433)

Symptom    Error 7439 in admserv.log file

Symptom    Plugin.System not installed: Plugin asked not to be installed. (ADMMsg014) (7439)

Symptom    java.lang.NullPointerException

Symptom    java exception reads:
Message (throw): Error building resource table menu

Fact       Osmetrics debugging shows error code

Fact       +-> Status returned from PdhEnumObjectItems: -1073738824

Fact       Windows Perfmon loads but no system information

Fact       Windows

Fact       OpenEdge 10.x

Fact       OpenEdge 10.2B1B

Fact       OpenEdge Explorer

Fact       OpenEdge 10.2A

Cause      The pdh.dll file is missing or corrupted. If the pdh.dll file is ok, this is an issue with the Microsoft performance counters. According to Microsoft, the performance counters may be missing or do not contain counter data. The base set of performance counter libraries may become corrupted and may need to be rebuilt. Additionally, you may need to rebuild any custom (.NET Framework application created) counters or any extensible counters. This behavior may occur if certain extensible counters corrupt the registry, or if some Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)-based programs modify the registry.


A workaround is to:
1. Copy in and register a working pdh.dll file from another system or obtain it from Progress Customer Support.
For a  32-bit installion of OpenEdge on Windows 64-bit the pdh.dll file should be placed in C:\Windows\SysWOW64\
For a  64-bit installation of OpenEdge on Windows 64-bit the pdh.dll file should be placed in C:\Windows\System32\
For a  32-bit installion of OpenEdge on Windows 32-bit the pdh.dll file should be placed in C:\Windows\System32\

2. For 32 bit windows versions (under a commmand prompt opened as administrator) the commands to rebuild the microsoft performance counters are: cd %systemroot%\system32 lodctr /R.

   For windows 64 bit the commands are: cd %systemroot%\SysWOW64 lodctr /R

2. If the pdh.dll file is the correct one, it is likely an issue with Windows.
A Microsoft article mention that this could occur on Windows XP if the system is not configured to use a virtual memory paging file. (
Another article provides steps to rebuild the performance counters. (This does not apply to Windows XP.)

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