How can we do data exchange b/w viewers in ADM1

Posted by Admin on 23-Jul-2010 04:48

Hello there,

  We have a program developed in ADM1 v8 version.

I was trying to populate data from one viewer to another by using "Publish" keyword logic.

But I came to know that this program which is developed in ADM1 tool is not recognizing AMD2 keywords.

I need somebody's help to know how we can do data exchange between viewers and container using ADM1 keywords.

Could anybody please help on this context?

All Replies

Posted by Admin on 23-Jul-2010 13:09

But I came to know that this program which is developed in ADM1 tool is not recognizing AMD2 keywords.

It is true that ADM1 was developed long before the PUBLISH/SUBSCRIBE statements have been added to the language. And it is also true that the ADM2 is heavily using PUBLISH/SUBSCRIBE.

But that should not stop you from using PUBLISH/SUBSCRIBE with ADM1 applications - when they are running on V9 or V10. ADM1 is like ADM2 based on persistent procedures. And that is enough to implement your own communication patterns based on PUBLISH/SUBSCRIBE.

between viewers and container using ADM1 keywords.

ADM1 has no keywords...

But the ADM1 SmartWindow knows the handles of the SmartWindows (h_viewername etc.). So you can just run procedures and execute functions there. Or use RUN get-link-handle in adm-broker-hdl to get the required procedure handles, when links exist.

Posted by Admin on 26-Jul-2010 23:11

Hi Mike,

   Thanks a lot for sharing your thought and based on that understanding I was able to solve my problem

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