How to change the viewer layout at run-time

Posted by Admin on 24-Aug-2010 06:10


   I am working on OE 10.0B and was trying to change the viewer layout at run-time.

I have created an alternate layout and named it as cust-layout1.

I have written below mentioned code within the viewer based on user selections:

     DYNAMIC-FUNCTION('setObjectLayout':U in h_custViewer, "cust-layout1":U).

     RUN applyLayout in h_custViewer.

As soon as program tries to execute "RUN applyLayout" line, system throws an error saying

Procedure adm2/xxx.w has no entry point for s. (6456)

I would also like to know on how to findout whether a viewer is in hidden or view mode within a container.

Could anyone please shed some light to solve my issues?

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