ProDataset FILL statement sets ERROR-STATUS:ERROR when {buff

Posted by marko.rueterbories on 26-Aug-2010 06:58

I did some test with FILL-MODES for the buffers of a ProDataset. So I came to the point where I did set the FILL-MODE to REPLACE and then tried to populate the ProDataset. As long as I did not try to implement any error-handling everything was fine. But then I looked at the ERROR-STATUS and saw that ERROR was set to TRUE and ERROR-STATUS:GET-MESSAGE (1) returned “** … record not on file. (138)”.
It seems to me that the message (there is no such record in the TEMP-TABLE so I have to create a new one) gets passed out of the ProDataset FILL statement. This is the expected behavior of the FILL-MODE – REPLACE so why should I be interested in such messages? And in fact this complicates the implementation of a good error handling and makes it hard to handle the real errors.
I think that passing out the message and that the ERROR-STATUS is not reset in such cases is a bug. How do you think about it?

Attached you can find a little procedure how to reproduce this behavior.
I logged this issue with PSC TechSupport: W008250016

All Replies

Posted by marko.rueterbories on 26-Aug-2010 10:41

I got an answer from TechSupport.

They agree with me that the FILL method should not set the ERROR attribute in this situation. The issue is logged with Development as OE00199888.

Posted by Lieven De Foor on 08-Sep-2017 05:33

Digging this one up to inform that this bug has not yet been fixed...

Posted by Robin Brown on 08-Sep-2017 08:18

The bug was closed and not fixed.  I will reopen it for a future release.

This thread is closed