Auditing in Transactions

Posted by Aliaksandr Tarasevich on 01-Oct-2010 08:33

Trying to work with Auditing and found one weird behaviour (to my mind)

I created audit area, turned autiding on, added rules - seems to me everything is ok, all messages are recording, no issues.

BUT! when I added audit ABL statement (like AUDIT-CONTROL:LOG-AUDIT-EVENT(32001, "Updated 10001 records from table Customers")) inside of the transaction,
I found that if something happens my audit data gets rolled back with the transaction. I expected to see something like "Autonomous Transactions" in Oracle, which are saving even if a transaction was rolled back.

Is there any key or any statement to allow to store my Audit data even if a transaction was rolled back?

P.S. We are using OpenEdge 10.1C04

All Replies

Posted by maximmonin on 01-Oct-2010 09:30

Audit records just like db table records are rolled back within transanction. It is common rule.

If you want to change it - open new thread, for example, by using appserver broker.

Actually i always thought that audit roll back is good idea. If nothing changed in my db why should I keep records about changing something?


Posted by Aliaksandr Tarasevich on 01-Oct-2010 09:45

Actually i always thought that audit roll back is good idea

For events like CREATE/UPDATE/DELETE an so on I would agree. But for custom events I want to see why transaction rolled back, what my Application did 5 sec before that...

I thought that the main reason why we have custom events and ABL statements like AUDIT-CONTROL:LOG-AUDIT-EVENT is to have an option to log our own messages that can help us to trace faults as well as success in our programs.

Posted by maximmonin on 01-Oct-2010 09:51

Use log-manager for fault tracing.


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