Passing parameters with mbpro

Posted by damoon on 09-Nov-2010 06:36

Hi All,

       I  running a mpro session that requires some parameters to be passed and I'm not able to get it working.  Does anyone have any suggestions or a sample that I could reference.



All Replies

Posted by Admin on 09-Nov-2010 06:52

I  running a mpro session that requires some parameters to be passed and I'm not able to get it working.  Does anyone have any suggestions or a sample that I could reference.


Which kind of parameters? Custom parameters? Check the -param Parameter.

Posted by damoon on 09-Nov-2010 07:02


   I'm trying to pass custom parameters should as a character variable that will  be avaiable when the program is run.  I looked at the -param  feature and that seems to work only fo passing parameters  like -H or -S.


Posted by Admin on 09-Nov-2010 12:42

-param is made for anything that YOUR app needs, not what prowin32.exe needs (like -H, -S).

How are you passing the parameters?

Posted by damoon on 10-Nov-2010 06:09

I  didn't know how to access  -param field within the ABL procedure.    Just realized I can use the Session:parameter  attriibute to retrieve it.   Thanks for you help..


Posted by Peter Judge on 10-Nov-2010 07:32

And in more recent versions (I don't know precisely when it was introduced), you can see the entire set of parameters using SESSION:STARTUP-PARAMETERS (ie including -H etc).

-- peter

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