WORKSHOPS at PUG Challenge Americas Conference

Posted by TdeV on 25-Apr-2011 13:52

WORKSHOPS are offered at PUG Challenge Americas Conference on Sunday, June 5th:

WS 201: OERA in Practice; NSRA -- A Practical Introduction to Development with a fully functional, OERA Compliant, OO Framework
(You’ll get valuable understanding regardless of your level of OO knowledge [from ABL programmers with no OO knowledge through OOABL gurus willing to suffer].)

WS 202: Analysis of Existing ABL Code
(Maintaining a legacy application and uncertain about the impact of changes? Attend this workshop and learn techniques and tools.)

WS 204: Getting Started With Embedded Windows -- A Practical Iintroduction to WinKitLE
(Curious how your existing application provides the best starting point for a UI modernization?)

WS 205: Progress Database Performance Tuning
(Presented by five of the world’s leading OpenEdge database experts)

* Workshops begin Sunday, June 5th at 1:30 p.m.
* Workshop Sessions are three (3) hours long
* All workshops cost $50 (US) with pre-registration at  Late registration (at the door) costs $100
* All participants need only a laptop. Workshops will be conducted in the cloud, built by Workshop Presenters
* All participants will take away coursework, exercises and tools

Browse through speakers and session topics of the entire PUG Challenge Americas conference at

Register for workshops and conference at

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