Webspeed - Webclient Server

Posted by bart.syryn on 04-Jan-2012 08:59

Hi folks,

We have the following configuration :
Windows 2008R2 server
IIS7  configured for webspeed
Tomcat6 configured for webclient (aia) on port  8080

Customers use webspeed and/or webclient.  Webclient only works if  the end-user can communicate through port 8080 (tomcat).  Some companies  don't want to open port 8080.  The only way I see is let the webclient  work through port 80 and directly to IIS7.  So at that point Tomcat  isn't necessary anymore.

Is this correct ?  And how can I accomplish  this (webclient and webspeed in IIS on port 80) (any links or so) ? If there  are any other suggestions, please inform me.

Kind regards,
Bart  Syryn

All Replies

Posted by Matt Baker on 04-Jan-2012 10:44

You can setup IIS to redirect requests to Apache. See KBase P19929

You have a few options that come to my mind:

You can continue to fight the alternate port 8080 battle on which you run Tomcat on port 8080 (or similar) and keep IIS running on port 80.

You can replace IIS completely with Tomcat.  Tomcat can serve web pages and it can host java servlet and it can run cgiip.exe to call webspeed.  But it won't run asp pages if you have any.

Instead of having webclient talk to the Appserver via AIA using its standard appserver calls, you can make use of XML or JSON and have the webclient talk to the WebSpeed (via the webserver) using GET/PUT HTTP calls. This of course requires engineering effort.

Run Tomcat/AIA on a different host by itself.

mb - Edited since some of the information was inaccurate

Posted by bart.syryn on 04-Jan-2012 12:14


Thanks for the answer.

I had a look at P19929, but the link brings me to force.com and I need a login (but where can I get a login)

The other suggestion you make, use Tomcat for Webserver and AIA, sounds good, but can you point me to an article for some explanation/configuration ?  I've googled but I found nothing usefull.

Kind regards

Bart Syryn

Posted by Roy Ellis on 04-Jan-2012 15:02

Hi Bart,

to get access for the solutions kbase you need to request a tech support login.  Go to the support page and request a login account.

Until you get an account, this article should help you setting up Tomcat with IIS.


HTH, Roy

Posted by bart.syryn on 05-Jan-2012 03:52


Thanks for the replies.  I have a support login and I now can search in the knowledge base for P19929.  But 19929 is about Sorting a browse in version 9.1.  So it isn't the article I'm lookiing for.  Can anyone give me the correct knowledgebase ID ?

Kind Regards

Bart Syryn

Posted by Roy Ellis on 05-Jan-2012 08:21

Hi Bart,

sorry, the link I passed on was from an old kbase system.  With the new kbase the numbers have changed and not all of the kbases was migrated.  The kbase mentioned was not migrated.  However, the information you need is in the link I sent to you.  The link I sent to you explains how to setup IIS to work as a single web portal serving both web and JSE requests, the JSE requests being handled by Tomcat.

I am going to paste the old kbase below, but it is several years old and anytime there is a discrepancy between the kbase and the wiki.apache.org page, please defer to the wiki instructions.

Also, if you feel the kbase should be available in the Public Knowledge Base, please enter a work request with Customer Support to get it added.

Good Luck, Roy


Prior to configuring IIS with Tomcat, ensure that IIS is installed and

working and Tomcat has been installed and

configured to work with AIA. For information on how to configure the

AppServer Internet Adapter with Tomcat, see

Solution ID P21274, How to setup TOMCAT and AIA.

1. Download the appropriate isapi_redirect.dll file from Apache web

site for the version of Tomcat.

2. Copy the isapi_redirector.dll file to the %TOMCAT_HOME%\conf\ntiis


      If the directory does not exist create it.

3. Copy the %TOMCAT_HOME%\conf\jk\workers.properties file to


4. Create a uriworkermap.properties file in %TOMCAT_HOME%\conf\ntiis

That contains the following.  Ensure that the proper case is used

when modifying any Tomcat configuration file.

Tomcat is a case sensitive product.

  # Default worker to be used through our mappings


# Sites to be redirected to Tomcat









#Mount the sample aia context to the ajp13 worker


#Mount the sample wsa context to the ajp13 worker


5. Modify the workers.properties file to ensure TOMCAT_HOME points to

the installation directory of Tomcat and JAVA_HOME points to the

installation of JAVA.




6. Create the following registry key.

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi



"log_file"="C:\\tomcat 3_3a\\logs\\iis_redirect.log"


"worker_file"="C:\\tomcat 3_3a\\conf\\ntiis\\workers.properties"



Disclaimer: Create an Operating System level backup of the system

prior to changing the registry editor, as corruption to the registry

can cause the OS to become unusable.

PART 2: Configuring Internet Information Server. IIS

1. Add a Virtual Directory.

    This can be done by Launching Internet Services Menu from Control

Panel, Administrative Tools.

Right click on the desired web site and select New, Virtual


Use "jakarta" as the alias.

From the Directory text box browse to the %TOMCAT_HOME% directory.

Set the Access Permissions to Read, Run Scripts and Execute.

Choose OK and Finish.

2. Create a ISAPI filter.

  a. Right click on the web site and select properties.

b. Choose the ISAPI Filter tab and Click Add.

c. Enter "Jakarta ISAPI Redirector" for the Filter Name and browse to

the %TOMCAT_HOME%\conf\ntiis\isapi_redirect.dll file. Save the filter

and close the properties menu.

3. Relaunch the properties menu to ensure newly created Filter

contains a green arrow. If the filter that was added does not contain

a green arrow stop and restart IIS. If the green arrow is not present

IIS has a configuration mistake and this will need to be corrected

before continuing.

Posted by Stefan Drissen on 05-Jan-2012 13:39

I have made various attempts at getting the isapi filter dll to work and never succeded. On peg I did read that someone did get it up and running succesfully, so I am waiting for some time to have another attempt.

As of IIS7.5 you can also use Application Request Routing to get IIS to pass requests on port 80 to Tomcat on 8080. Our help doc is here. This was very easy to get up and running.

Posted by bart.syryn on 05-Jan-2012 15:05


Thanks to all that looked into my problem.

First I tried to get the isapi_redirect to work.  But I failed ......

Then I tried Stefan's answer and in 15minutes I got it working !!!!

Thanks Stefan, for the nice manual.  Offcourse this only works for IIS7.

For IIS6, IIS5,.. you stil need to configur isapi_redirect.  So maybe the answers of the other repliers are helpfull to other users.

But the easiest way is to open port 8080:)

Kind regards

Bart Syryn

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