I'm having problems connecting to a table that I added to the database (Progress 10.2A, QAD 2010 se). I have no problem using the progress editor on the db machine to edit/view the table. I have a script that runs monthly and updates this table with inventory data. I can remotely connect to the database using php/adodb to all of the navtive QAD Tables, except for the one I added... Any clues???
So you are trying to connect to the database, and I assume you are succeeding with that. And then you are trying to access a newly-created table in the database, and getting some unspecified error.
What authorization does your SQL user have on the database? Do you have DBA privilege, or specific privileges on specific objects? If you aren't DBA then you will be authorized to access only the objects on which you have been given specific privileges, e.g. insert, delete, update, select, etc. These permissions are stored in the systabauth table.
This KB article may help you:
Basic Guide to Defining Progress SQL-92 Database Permissions & Security