Does anyone else frequently have trouble starting a discussion in this forum?
I'm not sure if it's because I am trying to include links but after I compose a long message and hit submit, all my typing disappears and I get a message that I cannot post a blank message to this forum.
Maybe this one will post...
Maybe this one will post...
It did.
If you have trouble, maybe post a title/short abstract and then edit for content might work?
-- peter
it did.
so, what did you originally want to say ?
On 20 August 2012 18:13, Jeff Ledbetter
Hi Peter.
I tried editing my original post to add the link but it ignores the edit entirely. Very odd.
I thought perhaps that I needed to use the 'insert link' button but it seems to do nothing. Oy.
I just wanted to let the world know about a patch reference the links to download it. :-)
Happy Monday all!
Roundtable TSMS 11.0.3 is available for download at:
What's in it?
There is also an updated Roundtable TSMS plug-in for 11.0.3. Please
download using the Eclipse update manager.
What's the magic trick Mike?
What's the magic trick Mike?
Copy and paste from the PEG mail you've send earlier. (I may be getting into hell for that, see PEG terms of use - but anyway).
Maybe it was Chrome who did the trick? I'd never use a different browser (Ok for Sharepoint I use IE).
I use IE9.
I tried Chrome earlier but couln't log in - but now I see why after seeing thread on PEG. :-)
I'll try again with Chrome.
Must be an IE9 "thing".
Maybe this will work http://www.google.com/chromeframe/
-- peter