Progre Open Edge11.2 Errors after installation-Further Steps

Posted by on 23-Apr-2013 20:48


I new to Progress. I am planning to learn Progress OpenEdge. I have installed Progress OpenEdge 11.2 on my Win 8 Notebook. After installing, following shortcuts are appeared. When I try to open each on, corresponding error messages listed on Right Hande Side below are appearing. Could you please help me on further steps to resolve this. I have been trying for the resolution for a long time.

4GL Batch Engine                          --> Batch Mode Progress Requires A startup procedure(1144).

Add Components                           --> Its .exe file

Audit Policy Maintenance               --> I could open this.

Character Client                             --> This version of PROGRESS  requires a Start Up Procedure(495).

Client                                            --> This version of PROGRESS  requires a Start Up Procedure(495).

Config                                           --> I could open this.

Data Administration                       -->  admin.p was not found(293). Unable to run startup procedure _admin.p(492).

Data Dictionary                             -->  _dict.p was not found(293). Unable to run startup procedure _dict.p(492).

Database Administration Console  -->  Asking username and password in a web browser.

License Update                            -->  Its a set up file.

OpenEdge Explorer                      --> Asking username and password in a web browser.

Proenv                                         --> Command Promp opening.

Container Startup                         -->  Command prompt epening with timeout.

Thanks & Regards


All Replies

Posted by on 23-Apr-2013 21:13

#1 don't double post

#2 try reinstalling and make sure when you launch the install that you run as admin.

not guaranteed to fix it - but I've installed 11.2 on win7 and the process is similar.

focus on running Data Administration + Data Dictionary

as for openedge explorer - just put admin/admin or somesuch. I think on first run you basically set up the password. but without running Data Dictionary and creating a database there's not a whole lot you can do with OE.

Posted by Matt Baker on 23-Apr-2013 22:32

Looks like you installed a runtime license...not a development license since you are getting this " This version of PROGRESS  requires a Start Up Procedure(495).".

If you want to learn openedge database/ABL language, then you're going to need a dev license.

Make sure you have PDS for OE.  Start there.  You can download a free trial version.

Search here on communities site for the getting started videos.  There are a bunch of them on how to use PDS, on the language.

Welcome to the community.

Posted by Admin on 23-Apr-2013 23:08

Make sure you have PDS for OE.  Start there.  You can download a free trial version.


FYI, PDS for OE = Progress Developer Studio for OpenEdge and you can get it here:

Posted by on 24-Apr-2013 11:01

Thank you all for the quick response. I've uninstalled and installed again. Earlier I've given different key while installing software. Now I've given key for Progress Developer Studio for OpenEdge, working fine now. Thank you all for the valuable response.

Thanks & Regards


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