Moving to 64 Bits: Image file formats

Posted by Matt Gilarde on 29-Apr-2013 12:00

The 64-bit OpenEdge GUI Client supports these image file formats:


This is a smaller set of formats than the 32-bit client supports because the 64-bit client uses a different third-party library for decompressing image files than the 32-bit client uses. This change was driven by licensing issues.

We want your feedback about this change:

Are you using image formats that aren't on the list above? We included the most commonly used formats. If you're using one that isn't on the list, tell us and we'll see if we can add it.

Do the images in your application look the same in the 64-bit client as in the 32-bit client? Do you have images that can't be loaded? Are images being cropped or stretched incorrectly? If you see any differences, let us know.

We intend for this to be a seamless transition. If you see any issues please post them in this thread.

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