Installing OpenEdge 11.2 is causing a problem with accessing the OEM. According to the log files, Fathom can not start up due to the port being in use from the AdminServer, making it impossible to access the OEM at the localhost via a browser. It is possible to change the {webserver]httpport in, which changes the Fathom port from that being locked by the AdminServer, start and stop the AdminServer, but this is a once-only fix, as the next time the system reboots, the AdminServer starts up on the new port and thus Fathom is unable to start and the whole start, stop, change the port has to start again.Is there a permanent fix for this?
Once started, the OpenEdge Explorer offers an Options menu on the top right. Under Configuration you can change the Web Server port permanently.
The problem is, the next time things are started and stopped, it happens again, as the AdminServer picks up the new port and blocks that.
Strange. Last time, I needed to change those ports, the Options Menu changed that permanently.
I will give it another go.
That seemed to work, although it tried at first to open localhost:9090, I had to change the location to 9095. Thanks for your assistance, I will let you know if it falls over again.