[4.5.2] - Related field of a related field not showing in a

Posted by IramK on 24-Oct-2017 05:08


I have the following structure:

Object A - Object B: 1:M (relationship)

Object B - Object D: M: 1 (relationship) => Object D has a field called "costPriceD". This is being taken as a related field in Object B and is called the same "costPriceB".

Object B - Object C: 1:M (relationship) => Object C picks this related field "costPrice" from Object B and we have a related field from this in Object C called as "costPriceC".

Now, I am trying to show a grid control for Object C on the Edit page of Object B and I have allowed for showing the "costPrice" field on the grid control. However, it shows as blank in the grid control. Seems like a bug to me. Can someone please check this scenario and respond?



All Replies

Posted by Mohammed Siraj on 31-Oct-2017 05:57

Hi Iram,

We are not able to reproduce this issue. Request you to share a sample app  exhibiting this issue.

Posted by Mayank Kumar on 15-Nov-2017 21:52

Hi Iram,

Could you please confirm the value of the boolean flag "Display this field in Edit mode on Edit pages" for the related fields CostPriceB and CostPriceC, if checked or not?



Posted by IramK on 16-Nov-2017 03:06

That option is checked in both related fields.



Posted by Mayank Kumar on 16-Nov-2017 05:53

Hi Iram,

Thanks for confirming.

As per the current behavior, related fields are read only in grid control. There was an issue identified in 4.5.x related to this, where the related field were in Edit mode but not rendering in grid control. Ideally, they should be read only. We fixed this issue in 5.0 and now the related fields are read only in grid control.

Could you please try it by marking the related fields as read only from the grid control configuration and see if that works for you.



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