How to connect rollbase object to custom KendoUI-widgets (Da

Posted by smartsysISV on 15-Jun-2017 08:27

I will use custom KendoUI-widgets in my Rollbase-application (NewUI).

(I'm using the scheduler)

Can someone give me an example on how to define the datasource?

I expect we can use a local DataSource.

* rbf_selectQuery ?

Is it possible to use server-side functions to generate this DataSource (Filetring, sorting)?

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Posted by Thierry Ciot on 17-Jun-2017 10:10

Yes we have several blogs covering these. Check:
Also, feel free to browse as there may be other examples relevant to you.
These examples use the technique of getting the data from the server using a client side API and then populating a data source.
As you pointed out, you could potentially compute the JSON data for your data source server side and store it in an object field – there are various trade-off of doing one versus the other – it depends on your own situation whether you want to use one or the other.

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