Synchronizing the email response back automatically to rollb

Posted by on 07-Mar-2017 23:46

Synchronizing the email response back automatically to rollbase

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Posted by stephen.vanrooyen on 16-Mar-2017 03:54

Hi Anu,
I’m not sure if there is an easy way to achieve this, but I had a similar requirement for an app I was working on.
Many of the Mail Tracking Software packages out there uses a tiny transparent image within the email.
When the email is opened and this image is requested from the server, it is safe to  assume that the user has read the email.
The image URL also contains additional information needed to identify the user and the specific email being read.
Note: This is obviously not foolproof method, since Mail Clients like Google for example does not always show images by default.
I not really a developer, but I wrote a very simple Java Image Servlet, which stream the transparent image to the client.
While doing so I also do an API call to create a Comm Log record with the status of ‘Email Read’.
Within the URL of the image, I also include a few parameters to identify the Tenant, Contact Email and Email Subject.
It would be great if in future Rollbase  can manage this process.
Hope this helps

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