How to set LDF fields of imported records

Posted by cagiva_raptor on 28-Sep-2016 08:47

Hi, I am importing records via spreadsheet.

I added the Department, Function en Location fields to the spreadsheet but it seems that even with proper mapping the fields are not filled.

Anyone have an idea on this?

Posted by Ruben Dröge on 27-Oct-2016 04:37

You can actually import text based values for the location!

The location (record name) field needs to be added to the primary key. You can do that by disallowing duplicate values in that field (which explains why it doesn't except non-unique textual values in the first place).

To do this open the object definition for 'Location' and edit the 'Location' field:

Then check the checkbox 'Do not allow duplicate values for this field':

When importing your agents (with the textual values of the locations/departments/functions), you now have the option to map your column Location to the (primary key field) Location in your Rollbase object:

Notice that now your record is imported *with* the location value filled!

All Replies

Posted by Santosh Patel on 28-Sep-2016 22:06

What were the values that you gave for LDF in the spreadsheet?

LDF fields on your object are relationships and hence lookup fields that point to other records. You should be providing the ID of the L,D or F that you intend to assign to the record.

Posted by cagiva_raptor on 29-Sep-2016 01:49

Hello Santosh

I created new D,L and F records that make sence to our organisation, and added the ID fields in the xlsx file.

When exporting manually created records that do obtain the DLF values the same values are exported as those that I used in the file. Also when importing I don't receive errors for those 3 fields, so I guess the get filled and then reset or not filled at all...

Posted by Santosh Patel on 29-Sep-2016 12:05

I have tried the same case and during my trials I found that giving wrong IDs (Location ids for Department or vice versa) does make it seem like the LDF values are not been filled/set. Can you double check if the IDs for LDF are been given correctly in the xls file?

If you are still unable to use it, please share a sample app and xls file with sample data which reproduces this case.

Posted by cagiva_raptor on 30-Sep-2016 03:07

I will try as soon as possible. Progress provided me with a faulty license key, so when I try do do something it returns an error about the expired license :S

Posted by cagiva_raptor on 20-Oct-2016 01:58

Hello Santosh

No that did not help. The values in the Excel file are correct.

It also seems that records created via a portal do not obtain the logon user LDF credentials.

Posted by Santosh Patel on 20-Oct-2016 04:57

Please share a sample app + excel data that highlights the issue.

Posted by cagiva_raptor on 20-Oct-2016 08:51

Can you see the upload that I added to the Progress Support Case 00369178?

Posted by Santosh Patel on 20-Oct-2016 14:42

I have the app and the excel data file, but the app still has a missing dependency.


Object "Bestemming" must be installed as prerequisite before you can install this application.

Could you mark that object as a core object and upload another version of the app?

Posted by Santosh Patel on 20-Oct-2016 14:45

Also, I see the excel file has textual values for LDF columns. Did you happen to use the ID values for the equivalent entries and do an import?

Posted by cagiva_raptor on 20-Oct-2016 16:35

Can you elaborate? If you mean that the textual values are the same as the record ID then yes

Posted by Ruben Dröge on 22-Oct-2016 02:40

ID values are not textual values (like i.e. "Chicago, Illinois"). If you open the 'Organization Management' app in Rollbase and add the column 'ID' to the 'Location' view (list of all the available locations), you'll see the actual ID of the record.

So in my case for example, for location EMEA Headquarters I see the ID value 2541.

That ID (2541) is the value you'll need to place in your Excel sheet to import the records.

Just tested this myself and location field was filled correctly after import.

Posted by cagiva_raptor on 24-Oct-2016 03:27

Hi Ruben

Indeed when using the ID values the load filles out the LDF nicely.

But When a portal user (object type agent with LDF filled) it does not copy the LDF data to the new record

Posted by Ruben Dröge on 27-Oct-2016 04:37

You can actually import text based values for the location!

The location (record name) field needs to be added to the primary key. You can do that by disallowing duplicate values in that field (which explains why it doesn't except non-unique textual values in the first place).

To do this open the object definition for 'Location' and edit the 'Location' field:

Then check the checkbox 'Do not allow duplicate values for this field':

When importing your agents (with the textual values of the locations/departments/functions), you now have the option to map your column Location to the (primary key field) Location in your Rollbase object:

Notice that now your record is imported *with* the location value filled!

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