REST Response output

Posted by Bernard Moeskops on 01-Sep-2016 05:05

Dear Rollbase users, 

I have created a Powershell script to create customers via REST call. But in order to automate the process of creating a user after this, I need the Customer ID. The output I get is as following:

id objName Msg 

-- ------- ---
73990 CUSTOMER Customer creation proc...

Is there anyone who knows how to only get the number '73990' back? So I can use it as a parameter for creating a Rollbase user for that customer. I'd prefer a Powershell solution. Or an option to manipulate the return from Rollbase.

Your help is greatly appreciated.

Best regards

Bernard Moeskops

All Replies

Posted by Bernard Moeskops on 01-Sep-2016 07:14

I've solved it luckely!

$response=Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $resource_create

write-output $

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