[4.2] - Link Lookup field gets enabled after disabling it on

Posted by IramK on 31-Aug-2016 09:26


I have some code that checks for a checkbox value on load of the page and if the checkbox is checked, I am disabling a link lookup field. However after I disable the link lookup field, it re-enables back again. I do not have any other code that does the enabling/disabling of this field.

Here is the code:

$("document").ready(function () {
	var linklookupdropdown = rbf_getFieldContext("linklookupdropdown").getKendoConfig();
	//If checkbox is checked then disable link lookup field
	if (rbf_isChecked('checkboxfield')) {
	} else {

Please let me know if there are any issues with this. I think this is a bug.



Posted by Vimalkumar Selvaraj on 07-Sep-2016 01:53

Hi Iram,

I tried this which seems to be working for me. Can you try putting your  script inside "rbs_pageRender"  custom event callback, something like below


If still doesn't work , please let us know.



All Replies

Posted by Vimalkumar Selvaraj on 07-Sep-2016 01:53

Hi Iram,

I tried this which seems to be working for me. Can you try putting your  script inside "rbs_pageRender"  custom event callback, something like below


If still doesn't work , please let us know.



Posted by Thierry Ciot on 07-Sep-2016 12:54

Since we have implemented Ajax loading you need to use the construct below and not document ready anymore


try {  

 if (!rbf_isNewUI()) {

   throw 'This Script is written for New UI';


 var onLoad = function () {


     console.log("Execute on page load ");



 rb.newui.util.addEventListener(rb.newui.util.customEvents.rbs_pageRender, onLoad); //instead of document.ready(onLoad) or $(onLoad);


catch (err) {

 if (console) {





Posted by IramK on 08-Sep-2016 11:31

Yes it was the issue with document.ready(). I think you are using the document.ready event to set the link lookup. Changing the load function to rbs_pageRender has fixed the issue.


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