Error message from communications log

Posted by Eoin McQuinn on 21-Jun-2016 08:33

I've created a new tab in my application called 'Calls Log'. Within calls log I've clicked and dragged 'Communications log'. The problem is that when I try to enter a new communications, I'm getting the following error message:

"No 'commParent' value provided, so Communication Log record cannot be attached to parent record."

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Posted by Manooj Murali on 21-Jun-2016 09:18

Hi -

Please refer the documentation on Communication Log to know how to create a communication log,

In your case, there seems to be no value for the 'Related To' field which is causing a System Error.

You can also refer to a similar community thread  on this regard ..


Posted by Eoin McQuinn on 21-Jun-2016 10:30

I've read the documentation here

In my 'New communication log' page there is no 'Related to' field. How do I make this field visible?

Also, when I go to 'Design this page' I can see a 'Related to' field at the end. I've ticked 'Required' in the drop down menu within 'Related to'. But when I go to create a new communications log I get the error message 'Error: Invalid Data. Review error messages below to correct your data'. There is no further error message below.

Posted by Manooj Murali on 21-Jun-2016 13:19

This field should be set programmatically as mentioned in the documentation:

"The Related To field must be populated with a valid parent record ID when creating a communication log record programatically."

You dont have to change the field to required but just have to set it programmatically (say via script on page load) and try.

Posted by Eoin McQuinn on 22-Jun-2016 07:06

How do I set the 'Related to' field programmatically?

Posted by Manooj Murali on 22-Jun-2016 09:18

You can use a script on the page load to do that. In general we do not recommend creation of communication log this way. The communication log is automatically created for a relevant operation on a data record. So, can you please explain your use case where you would like to be able to manually create this?

Posted by Eoin McQuinn on 23-Jun-2016 05:18

I want my customers to be able to electronically maintain a log of all incoming phone calls. The communications log seems ideal for this.

Posted by Manooj Murali on 24-Jun-2016 10:09

Instead of creating a communication log directly, the ideal way would be to

1.  Create an object in Rollbase say 'Phone Call'

2. Create a conversion map and map fields from this object to Communication Log object.

3. Create a trigger (after create) and select this conversion map.

Now, ask your customers to create a record of 'Phone Call' whenever there is an incoming call and a communication log with appropriate details (as mapped in conversion map) will automatically be created.

Posted by Eoin McQuinn on 26-Jun-2016 05:52

I created a record in the new 'Phone call' tab, then I selected 'convert' from the menu of the record, then it asked me to 'convert phone call into' and I selected 'communication log'. After that it asked me to 'Map communication log fields to Phone call fields' and I mapped two of the fields (as I did not require the other fields). Then I get an error message same as the first error message -

"System Error

No 'commParent' value provided, so Communication Log record cannot be attached to parent record."

Posted by Manooj Murali on 28-Jun-2016 05:21

Did you map the 'Related To' field in the conversion map?

Posted by Eoin McQuinn on 29-Jun-2016 07:03

I have changed the conversion map and have mapped the 'Related to' field to 'Phone call'.

Under 'New Trigger', what do I select for 'Trigger type'?

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