send email trigger

Posted by on 02-Jun-2016 05:46


I will appreciate your help.
I have 3 users.

User1 role: manager; group: Site A
User 2 role: manager; group: Site B

User 3 role: worker; group: Site A

I have record that connet to Site A, and record that connect to site B.

I want to send the Email only to users in role Manager, and that each user will get the email only on the record that are in their group.

I don't want to select a particular user because I keep adding more users.

how can I do that?



All Replies

Posted by Anoop Premachandran on 03-Jun-2016 06:11

I do not fully understand your use-case, but I am guessing you are referring to selecting a group to users (based on some criteria - like a role or user group) to be used in Send Email Trigger. Currently we don't support this out of the box. We have had similar request before, so currently this is in our backlog. Please put this in ideas section and work through PM to raise priority.

Posted by on 06-Jun-2016 02:05

Yes, That was the intention.

Is there a way to do this through a further object of contacts or by adding code to the Trigger?

Need a solution that can be right now.



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