Cannot connect to rollbase private cloud with Telerik mobile

Posted by Janani Nayanathara on 15-Feb-2016 06:55

I am having a problem in accessing the rollbase private cloud with Telerik mobile application. Following error occurs.

"Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: Credentials flag is 'true', but the 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' header is ''. It must be 'true' to allow credentials. Origin '' is therefore not allowed access."

I have successfully connected to the Rollbase cloud, but with the same Telerik app (only service URI and Catelog URI chenged into the private cloud ) won't work for private cloud. Following is the difference between the two calls going for login. It seems we have to change 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials'. Can anyone please suggest where to change it?

All Replies

Posted by egarcia on 15-Feb-2016 08:34


Please check that the property progressDataServiceCORSHost is specified in the file.

Using this property should allow the generation of the Access-Control-Allow headers to solve the CORS scenario.

See the following links:



I hope this helps.

Posted by Janani Nayanathara on 15-Feb-2016 23:03

Hi egarcia,

Thanks for the information.

We have set the following attributes in the file.

RBMobile_CORS.Allow_origin.HOST = .app\\.icenium\\.com$
ProgressDataServiceCORSHost =

But now only for icenium simulator the app works. I want to add the also as a CORS host so that it works for the inbuilt simulator in the appbuilder.

Is there a way we can add two or more URLs (Or a wildcard) as the orign?

Posted by ithrees on 16-Feb-2016 03:03

Hi Janani,


RBMobile_CORS.Allow_origin.HOST = .app\\.icenium\\.com|.*platform\\.telerik\\.com$

Thanks and Regards,

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