[4.0.4] UI Bugs - New UI

Posted by IramK on 22-Dec-2015 09:36


I just noticed a few UI issues in version 4.0.4. and would like to know if these have already been reported or not. Kindly find below the attached screenshots. The second issue is when I hover over the three dots.

Kindly let me know when these would be fixed.



All Replies

Posted by murali on 22-Dec-2015 11:30

Looks like you have outdated  lang_en.properties

Posted by Chandrasekhar Gontla on 22-Dec-2015 11:37

Hi Iram,

I am unable to reproduce the above issues.

You might have missed to update lang_en.properties file.

For example, the below property should be there for More Actions tooltip.

newui.listview.moreActionsTooltip= Please select at least one record to enable 'More Actions' menu.

Thanks and Regards,


Posted by HosnyA on 22-Dec-2015 11:45

Hi Murali/Chandu,

Would you be able to let us know if you have a change log of the lang properties files. We have made many changes to the existing files and would like to keep them and merge the changes as it is painful to go through the changes once again.

Thank you!


Posted by murali on 22-Dec-2015 12:06

Makes sense; We have an internal tool to call out the delta. We could make it generally available; Let us get back to you on this

Posted by HosnyA on 23-Dec-2015 03:13

Thank you!

Posted by IramK on 03-Feb-2016 08:53

Hi guys,

Is there any update on that internal tool that we can use to retrieve the change log of those language files? Kindly let me know.



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