Rollback Published Updates

Posted by nicolo.ilano on 27-Nov-2015 00:05

I would like to seek help on rollback a current update. I am currently using Release, I published my updates from my Development Zone to Another Zone. Is there a way to rollback these recent update? Please help. T_T

All Replies

Posted by Shivani Silveri on 27-Nov-2015 00:39


Please follow the below steps:

1. Login as Super Admin

2. Navigate to Market Place(application) -> Published Applications(Object).

3. Select the application that you want to Rollback.

4. In the view page, under Application History section, you can find the Roll Back link with the version number.

This will Roll Back the updates.

Note: This option will be shown when the application is updated atleast once.

Hope this helps!!



Posted by Manooj Murali on 27-Nov-2015 01:00

Hi -

If an app update has been installed in another zone, then we don't have a way to rollback the changes. However, if you would like to rollback changes published for an app so that it is not available in app director/marketplace for installation then you can follow the procedure mentioned by Shivani.


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