Loop limited to 1 record

Posted by ddubois on 23-Nov-2015 13:55

Rollbase guide states that "You can limit the number of records to display by adding the (numRecords) token at the end of #LOOP_BEGIN. If not specified, the number of records is limited to 100" 

Can you please give me an example of how this is implemented.


{!#LOOP_BEGIN.all#134748071}  how do we add numRecords to this?

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Posted by Manooj Murali on 23-Nov-2015 22:27

Hi -

Please refer to the documentation on how to do this  : documentation.progress.com/.../index.html

So, in your case, you should be able to achieve it using say : {!#LOOP_BEGIN.all#134748071(120)} , where numRecords is 120.


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