New UI: Why Back to previous page button not working?

Posted by mzhalbyrov on 23-Nov-2015 05:12


$('#edit/\d+/-Id').after( '<a class="btn btn-link btn-small" href="../m/main.jsp?pageId=60809551&id=109569528">↵&nbsp;Back to 0005572 - GAOPENG & PARTNERS, Partnership</a>' );


All Replies

Posted by Karthikeyan Bhaskaran on 24-Nov-2015 03:08

Hello Marat,

Can you list the steps to see this problem?

Where do you see this problem?

Thank you.

Posted by Sri Harsha on 24-Nov-2015 22:34

Hi Marat,

I am assuming you are trying to add a new button to a record edit page. 

To achive this,  one way is to add the below script on page load in edit page properties.

// get the toolbar instance to which the new button should be added to.

var pageActionToolBar = $('.rbs-pageheader-toolbar').data('kendoToolBar');

// add a new button configuration to the page toolbar


type: 'button',
text : 'MyNewButton',
click: function(e) {  document.location.href = "" },
overflow: 'never',
spriteCssClass: 'marker-pageToolbar-action myButton'


This should add a new button to the toolbar programatically. (images below. before and after adding a button using above code)

(ofcourse you can style the button using the class 'myButton' that is added through the button configuration).

Altenatively, there is one more direct way to add custom buttons to edit pages in Rollbase. You can add a new button in obect definition page. The target URL can be dynamically generated too. See if that suits your needs. 

Please let us know if the above approach works for you.



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