Filter Lookup values on multiple conditions?

Posted by ngabrani on 17-Sep-2015 07:18

Is it possible to filter the values of a lookup based on values from multiple fields in the related object.

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Posted by Mohammed Siraj on 17-Sep-2015 13:42

Rollbase presently does NOT support filtering a look-up field based on multiple related object fields.

rbf_setLookupFilter API, is limited to one related object field & EQUAL OPERATOR on field value.

However, one way to make this work is by configuring a List View for the related object which has the required filters in place. And then use this view as the lookup field's (main object) selector view of choice. 

In Main object's edit page, this view can be set as selector view of choice for the lookup field using this api: rbf_setViewSelector.

However, this option is limited to only when the lookup field is configured as a 'Selector'.

Posted by ngabrani on 18-Sep-2015 00:05

I want to filter the lookup on two conditions. One condition is based on the value of another lookup, and the other condition is a static condition. How do I configure the dynamic condition.

Posted by pcs on 25-Jan-2017 21:41

If the List View could include a filter that was dynamic i.e. received fields from the containing page (like relating to the Main Lookup does) then we could create views which filtered based on additional user entered (dynamic) data. Similar to the current user or date, but extended to handle any field... Is this concept being considered?

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