Do you want to open or save logout from appdesigner.rollbase

Posted by MTBOO on 14-Aug-2015 05:11


We have a dev license for Rollbase Private cloud and are getting the message "Do you want to open or save logout from ?" in the browser when logging out. Is there a way to prevent this?


Posted by Manooj Murali on 17-Aug-2015 09:11

Please try using the attached file and update.


All Replies

Posted by Manooj Murali on 14-Aug-2015 05:30

Hi -

We are aware of this issue and we have seen that this only happens in IE. Which browser are you using? (If IE, then can you please try using Chrome or Firefox).

We will be fixing this problem in the future releases (post 4.0), but in case you still need a workaround on IE, then please let us know.


Posted by MTBOO on 14-Aug-2015 05:31


This is only in IE. What is the workaround please?

Posted by Manooj Murali on 14-Aug-2015 06:22

Please replace the attached logout.jsp in your environment under the following two locations and let me know.


\prod1\components -- please make sure you replace files in all prods if you have multiple prods configured.


Posted by MTBOO on 14-Aug-2015 06:51

We get the below error now after updating that file.

By the way we are on Private Cloud v3.2.3.0 Win64

We are using a custom login page and logout should redirect to it. Not sure if that is the issue.


HTTP Status 500 - Unable to compile class for JSP:

type Exception report

message Unable to compile class for JSP:

description The server encountered an internal error that prevented it from fulfilling this request.


org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP: 

An error occurred at line: [14] in the generated java file: [D:\Apps\ABC2\apache-tomcat-7.0.39\work\Catalina\localhost\prod1\org\apache\jsp\components\]
Only a type can be imported. com.rb.util.remote.ISharedFields resolves to a package

An error occurred at line: [15] in the generated java file: [D:\Apps\ABC2\apache-tomcat-7.0.39\work\Catalina\localhost\prod1\org\apache\jsp\components\]
Only a type can be imported. resolves to a package

An error occurred at line: [16] in the generated java file: [D:\Apps\ABC2\apache-tomcat-7.0.39\work\Catalina\localhost\prod1\org\apache\jsp\components\]
Only a type can be imported. com.rb.core.ui.util.WebUtil resolves to a package

An error occurred at line: [17] in the generated java file: [D:\Apps\ABC2\apache-tomcat-7.0.39\work\Catalina\localhost\prod1\org\apache\jsp\components\]
Only a type can be imported. com.rb.util.system.SystemUtil resolves to a package

An error occurred at line: 12 in the jsp file: /components/logout.jsp
ISharedFields.FIELD_O cannot be resolved to a type
9:  * Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Rollbase
10:  */%>
11:  <%
12:  String redirectUrl = HttpUtil.getParameter(request, ISharedFields.FIELD_O, null);
13:  String url = "logout2.jsp" + (CommonUtil.isNull(redirectUrl)?"":("?"+ISharedFields.FIELD_O+"="+redirectUrl));
14:  if(SharedProps.isPublicCloud()){
15: 	 response.sendRedirect(url);

An error occurred at line: 13 in the jsp file: /components/logout.jsp
CommonUtil cannot be resolved
10:  */%>
11:  <%
12:  String redirectUrl = HttpUtil.getParameter(request, ISharedFields.FIELD_O, null);
13:  String url = "logout2.jsp" + (CommonUtil.isNull(redirectUrl)?"":("?"+ISharedFields.FIELD_O+"="+redirectUrl));
14:  if(SharedProps.isPublicCloud()){
15: 	 response.sendRedirect(url);
16: 	 return;

An error occurred at line: 13 in the jsp file: /components/logout.jsp
ISharedFields.FIELD_O cannot be resolved to a type
10:  */%>
11:  <%
12:  String redirectUrl = HttpUtil.getParameter(request, ISharedFields.FIELD_O, null);
13:  String url = "logout2.jsp" + (CommonUtil.isNull(redirectUrl)?"":("?"+ISharedFields.FIELD_O+"="+redirectUrl));
14:  if(SharedProps.isPublicCloud()){
15: 	 response.sendRedirect(url);
16: 	 return;

An error occurred at line: 14 in the jsp file: /components/logout.jsp
SharedProps cannot be resolved
11:  <%
12:  String redirectUrl = HttpUtil.getParameter(request, ISharedFields.FIELD_O, null);
13:  String url = "logout2.jsp" + (CommonUtil.isNull(redirectUrl)?"":("?"+ISharedFields.FIELD_O+"="+redirectUrl));
14:  if(SharedProps.isPublicCloud()){
15: 	 response.sendRedirect(url);
16: 	 return;
17:  }

An error occurred at line: 33 in the jsp file: /components/logout.jsp
WebUtil cannot be resolved
30: %>
31: <html>
32: <head>
33: <%=WebUtil.getJQuery() %>
34: <!--            window.location.href ='logout2.jsp'-->
35: <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5; url='<%=url %>'>">
36: <title>You are now logging out...</title>


Posted by Manooj Murali on 14-Aug-2015 07:01

Can you please confirm the rollbase version you are on?

Posted by Manooj Murali on 14-Aug-2015 07:10

Or please share logout.jsp from your environment and I can share the modified file ?

Posted by MTBOO on 14-Aug-2015 10:23

Private Cloud v3.2.3.0 Win64

Posted by Manooj Murali on 14-Aug-2015 11:15

Can you please try with the attached file and let me know?

Please make sure you replace it in master and all prods as suggested in my previous post.

Posted by MTBOO on 17-Aug-2015 08:32

The following error is generated with the attached file:


type Exception report

message Unable to compile class for JSP:

description The server encountered an internal error that prevented it from fulfilling this request.


org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP:

An error occurred at line: [14] in the generated java file: [D:\Apps\ABC2\apache-tomcat-7.0.39\work\Catalina\localhost\prod1\org\apache\jsp\components\]

Only a type can be imported. resolves to a package

An error occurred at line: [15] in the generated java file: [D:\Apps\ABC2\apache-tomcat-7.0.39\work\Catalina\localhost\prod1\org\apache\jsp\components\]

Only a type can be imported. com.rb.core.ui.util.WebUtil resolves to a package

An error occurred at line: [16] in the generated java file: [D:\Apps\ABC2\apache-tomcat-7.0.39\work\Catalina\localhost\prod1\org\apache\jsp\components\]

Only a type can be imported. com.rb.util.system.SystemUtil resolves to a package

An error occurred at line: 11 in the jsp file: /components/logout.jsp

SharedProps cannot be resolved

8:  * Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Rollbase

9:  */%>

10:  <%

11:  if(SharedProps.isPublicCloud()){

12: response.sendRedirect("logout2.jsp");

13: return;

14:  }

An error occurred at line: 30 in the jsp file: /components/logout.jsp

WebUtil cannot be resolved

27: %>

28: <html>

29: <head>

30: <%=WebUtil.getJQuery() %>

31: <!--            window.location.href ='logout2.jsp'-->

32: <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5; url=logout2.jsp">

33: <title>You are now logging out...</title>














Posted by Anoop Premachandran on 17-Aug-2015 08:50

Can you share the original logout.jsp from your installation ?

Posted by MTBOO on 17-Aug-2015 09:03

<%@page import=""%>

<%@page import="p19.a321"%>

<%@page import="com.rb.util.system.a180"%>

<%@page import="com.rb.util.core.*"%>

<%@page import="com.rb.util.system.*"%>

<%@page import="com.rb.util.web.*"%>


* Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Rollbase










String langCode = HttpUtil.getParameter(request, "language", "en");

if (langCode == null)

langCode = HttpUtil.getCookie(request, "language", "en");

Language lang = Language.getLanguage(langCode);

int menu = 11;




<%=a321.getJQuery() %>

<!--            window.location.href ='logout2.jsp'-->

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5; url=logout2.jsp">

<title>You are now logging out...</title>

<style type="text/css">

.center {

text-align: center;


.top {

vertical-align: top;


.left {

text-align: left;


.right {

text-align: right;


.bold {

font-weight: bold;


.large {

font-size: 18px;


.body {

margin: 0;

border-style: none;

line-height: 100%;

word-spacing: normal;

letter-spacing: normal;

text-decoration: none;

text-transform: none;

text-align: left;

text-indent: 0ex;

background-color: #FFF;

font: 12px Arial;

color: #777777;


table {

empty-cells: show;

border-collapse: collapse;

font: 12px Arial;


.wide {

width: 100%;


.noHeight {

height: 0px;



<script type="text/javascript">

function executeLogout(){





<body onload='executeLogout()' class='body pacific-bootstrap'>

<div class='wide center'>

<div class='wide'>

<table class='wide' cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>


<td valign='top' style='background-color: #fff'>

<div class='wide'>

<div class='wide' id='pageContent'>


<table class="wide noborder">


<td class='wide center'>


<img id="loader-img" src="../images/loadinganim.gif" />

<span id="dont-close-text"><%= HtmlUtil.encode(lang.s("Logging_out_Please_dont_close_the_browser_window"))%></span>



String sessionKillURL = null;

try {

sessionKillURL = a484.getProperties().getSessionKillURL();

} catch (Throwable t) {


if (sessionKillURL != null) {


<form id='logoutSubmission' method="POST" action='<%=a484.getProperties().getSessionKillURL() %>'  target="myIframe"></form>

<iframe name="myIframe" style="visibility: hidden; display: none" src='' "></iframe>

<%  } %>














Posted by Manooj Murali on 17-Aug-2015 09:11

Please try using the attached file and update.


Posted by MTBOO on 17-Aug-2015 09:22

That worked. thanks

Posted by MTBOO on 07-Sep-2015 12:50


Unfortunately this has stopped working since we upgraded to V4.0.1.0. Can we use the same logout.jsp from V3.2.3.0 (Win64) or can you provide an updated version for V4.0.1.0 (Win64) please with the fix in it.


Posted by Manooj Murali on 07-Sep-2015 21:43

Can you please share the latest logout.jsp from your installation?


Posted by MTBOO on 08-Sep-2015 09:28

<%@page import="p21.a662"%>

<%@page import=""%>

<%@page import="p19.a157"%>

<%@page import="com.rb.util.system.a543"%>

<%@page import="com.rb.util.core.*"%>

<%@page import="com.rb.util.system.*"%>

<%@page import="com.rb.util.web.*"%>


* Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Rollbase



String redirectUrl = HttpUtil.getParameter(request, a662.FIELD_O, null);

String url = "logout2.jsp" + (a634.isNull(redirectUrl)?"":("?"+a662.FIELD_O+"="+redirectUrl));








String langCode = HttpUtil.getParameter(request, "language", "en");

if (langCode == null)

langCode = HttpUtil.getCookie(request, "language", "en");

Language lang = Language.getLanguage(langCode);

int menu = 11;




<%=a157.getJQuery() %>

<!--            window.location.href ='logout2.jsp'-->

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5; url='<%=url %>'>">

<title>You are now logging out...</title>

<style type="text/css">

.center {

text-align: center;


.top {

vertical-align: top;


.left {

text-align: left;


.right {

text-align: right;


.bold {

font-weight: bold;


.large {

font-size: 18px;


.body {

margin: 0;

border-style: none;

line-height: 100%;

word-spacing: normal;

letter-spacing: normal;

text-decoration: none;

text-transform: none;

text-align: left;

text-indent: 0ex;

background-color: #FFF;

font: 12px Arial;

color: #777777;


table {

empty-cells: show;

border-collapse: collapse;

font: 12px Arial;


.wide {

width: 100%;


.noHeight {

height: 0px;



<script type="text/javascript">

function executeLogout(){





<body onload='executeLogout()' class='body pacific-bootstrap'>

<div class='wide center'>

<div class='wide'>

<table class='wide' cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>


<td valign='top' style='background-color: #fff'>

<div class='wide'>

<div class='wide' id='pageContent'>


<table class="wide noborder">


<td class='wide center'>


<img id="loader-img" src="../images/loadinganim.gif" />

<span id="dont-close-text"><%= HtmlUtil.encode(lang.s("Logging_out_Please_dont_close_the_browser_window"))%></span>



String sessionKillURL = null;

try {

sessionKillURL = a349.getProperties().getSessionKillURL();

} catch (Throwable t) {


if (sessionKillURL != null) {


<form id='logoutSubmission' method="POST" action='<%=a349.getProperties().getSessionKillURL() %>'  target="myIframe"></form>

<iframe name="myIframe" style="visibility: hidden; display: none" src='' "></iframe>

<%  } %>














Posted by Manooj Murali on 08-Sep-2015 10:17

Please use the attached jsp and let me know if it solves the problem.



Posted by MTBOO on 08-Sep-2015 10:48

Yes that has fixed it. Thanks

This thread is closed