Change View on Workflow Status change

Posted by IramK on 06-Jul-2015 05:43


If I have two views on a related object B (one that shows active records - View 1 and the other that shows inactive records - View 2), is there a way I could set the view dynamically when a workflow action is performed? So basically I have a workflow action button that says: "Make active" that sets the related records to be active using a trigger (this is working) and once the records are active i.e.(active checkbox) I need to be able to set the Related List view that has the filtering of active records - View 1. By default, the related list view shows all the records and all the records are inactive. I need to be able to show the list view in both cases, i.e. when the records are inactive before the workflow action is pressed and when the workflow action is performed and the related records are active. Is there a way to dynamically filter views? Kindly let me know.


Posted by Gian Torralba on 15-Jul-2015 10:37


Unfortunately, I cannot find any Rollbase functionality that set the list view dynamically. You can file this as an enhancement instead at

Thank you,


All Replies

Posted by Gian Torralba on 06-Jul-2015 10:26


Let me know if I understand the question correctly. You are inside object A's view page and there is a related view (object B) which has two views. The workflow action is in object A and when you click workflow A's action button, it will set the list view of object B dynamically after finishing the action?

Thank you,


Posted by IramK on 06-Jul-2015 10:46

Yes thats correctly understood.

Posted by Gian Torralba on 15-Jul-2015 10:37


Unfortunately, I cannot find any Rollbase functionality that set the list view dynamically. You can file this as an enhancement instead at

Thank you,


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