Get Field Label with Rollbase API?

Posted by gwf on 08-Jun-2015 15:01

Is there a way to get a field label through the Rollbase AJAX API?

Thank you,


Posted by gwf on 22-Mar-2016 15:04

In case anyone else is trying to do something similar, I ended up splitting the fields into two, a text field to hold the label and a field of picklist, text, etc. type to hold the value. As long as you are consistent with naming conventions you can pass them to client-side code with rbf_selectQuery calls like "SELECT field1Label,field1Value FROM object1 where id = 1000" etc.

But I still think it would be good to be able to get the field label from the Rollbase API, so I will add an idea to that effect. If you agree please vote for it!


All Replies

Posted by pvorobie on 08-Jun-2015 15:22

You can use rbf_getFieldDef Metadata API. However it is only available Admin users.

Posted by gwf on 08-Jun-2015 15:46

Too bad, thanks.

Posted by Robert McDonald on 09-Jun-2015 11:41


I'm just curious about your use case.  You asked whether there was a way to get the field label through the AJAX API, can you help me understand what you are trying to accomplish.

Posted by gwf on 15-Jun-2015 08:02

Sure - On portal pages I have client-side JS that creates charts, and I would like to get the field labels through AJAX calls for the chart titles.



Posted by gwf on 25-Nov-2015 11:30

So can rbf_getFieldDef work in a portal to generate e.g. labels for charts? Portal users are logging in, so AJAX calls will be from their session.

A simple API to get the field label would be perfect for this use case, and I would imagine for many others.



Posted by gwf on 22-Mar-2016 15:04

In case anyone else is trying to do something similar, I ended up splitting the fields into two, a text field to hold the label and a field of picklist, text, etc. type to hold the value. As long as you are consistent with naming conventions you can pass them to client-side code with rbf_selectQuery calls like "SELECT field1Label,field1Value FROM object1 where id = 1000" etc.

But I still think it would be good to be able to get the field label from the Rollbase API, so I will add an idea to that effect. If you agree please vote for it!


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