Error instantiating Data a115: Object Definition ID 11422225

Posted by cohezive on 19-Mar-2015 11:03

Running on Private Cloud.  This error is coming from a customer instance with Mysql as the DB   The error occurs when doing a search.  Object Definition 114222254 is User.

I dumped and text searched the entire customer database and am not even finding a reference to 128337216 except in the error log.

Search is not functioning due to this error.

Note:  I restored this customer from a Hosted Cloud Instance.

Cause?  Solution?

Posted by cohezive on 19-Mar-2015 21:03

I rebuilt the relationships, updated all the formulas and triggers, and even restarted the server - all to no avail.

As a last ditch effort, I went into the View Page for the initial object and its related objects, added a tab, and moved in all the  relationships into new sections.  For whatever reason, this fixed the error and I can search again.

Not a clean resolution and it cost a full day to resolve.

All Replies

Posted by pvorobie on 19-Mar-2015 11:36

Most likely you have mismatch between Object name and record's ID.

Posted by cohezive on 19-Mar-2015 11:43

Ok - but how to resolve it?  I would have expected to find the 128337216 reference in the database somewhere.

The search error is happening on ALL object searches (but not with MetaData search).

I have already run Maintenance and Re-Index.

I even searched the original restore data and it wasn't there either.

Posted by Godfrey Sorita on 19-Mar-2015 12:08

I was able to reproduce this error by setting the value of a lookup field with a record ID from another object. For example, I have related objects A and B, but I assigned a record from object C to the lookup field.

In my case, the value was set using setFieldValue API. The error was fixed by assigning the correct record ID to the lookup.

Posted by pvorobie on 19-Mar-2015 12:21

One possible reason - you're using Formula field with error (Object name does not match Record's ID).  Fix that error first.

Posted by cohezive on 19-Mar-2015 15:27

I've been through every formula, expression and trigger.  I did have an issue with this earlier but I resolved it.  Is it possible that left some lingering element somewhere that did not reset?

Posted by Godfrey Sorita on 19-Mar-2015 15:38

The error can be found on lookup fields. It might be easier for you to locate the record with invalid lookup value by showing the lookup field in list views.

Posted by cohezive on 19-Mar-2015 15:59

Did that.  No errors.    I originally caught the error with Generate XML.

Actually, I am finding a relationship issue for the same object.  It appears the relationship field in the related objects is missing.  I'm working to recreate the relationships and delete the old one to see if that corrects the problem.

Posted by cohezive on 19-Mar-2015 21:03

I rebuilt the relationships, updated all the formulas and triggers, and even restarted the server - all to no avail.

As a last ditch effort, I went into the View Page for the initial object and its related objects, added a tab, and moved in all the  relationships into new sections.  For whatever reason, this fixed the error and I can search again.

Not a clean resolution and it cost a full day to resolve.

Posted by pvorobie on 20-Mar-2015 11:56

What's your customer ID? Customer name? I can take a look at your system assuming you're using cloud

Posted by Ricardo Rafols on 20-Mar-2015 15:14

It seems you are updating the relationship field with the wrong ID... instead of Project ID you are using the Approval ID.

There is an article related to your issue.



Posted by cohezive on 20-Mar-2015 15:43

@pvorobie - As I indicated in the first post in the thread this occurred on Private Cloud.  

@Ricardo - The relationships were not built with the wrong field.  I ended up changing the name of the object and I didn't catch this one change.  It created the error - which I corrected - but there was something in the background that did not work after the fix.  

Somehow the error resulted in Rollbase removing the Relationship Field in the Relationship only (the field was still available in Triggers).  I can only speculate that this also affected the page definition.

What no one seems to be noting in the thread is the complete uselessness of the error message and the fact that it identified an Object ID that did not even exist in the system.  What's up with that?

Posted by Godfrey Sorita on 31-Mar-2015 08:16

What database are you using? Can you verify if the object definition ID exists in your "rb_obj_def" table? If so, you should be able to identify the object to which the record ID belonged to.

Posted by cohezive on 31-Mar-2015 11:48

It's a mysql database and, no, the object id definitely DOES NOT EXIST in the rb_obj_def table.

Posted by Godfrey Sorita on 31-Mar-2015 13:24

Interesting. Do you still see this error in your logs after your fix? I was able to reproduce this error in my environment and deleting the object also seems to resolve the error.

Posted by cohezive on 31-Mar-2015 19:05

Yes, after rebuilding the appropriate relationships and deleted the "damaged" ones, and then updated the pages where the original relationships appeared, the error disappeared.

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