How do fire off an Onload event for Quick Create forms?

Posted by ByronB on 14-Jan-2015 04:03

Hi there

How would I fire off an onload event for a Quick Create form? I need some logic to fire on loading of the quick create form, how can i achieve this? I tried adding the function to the parents Onload event but it still wouldnt fire?

Any help would be appreciated


All Replies

Posted by Godfrey Sorita on 14-Jan-2015 06:33

Hi Byron,

This is expected behavior. The onLoad event of the parent page is not inherited by the quick create. In addition, quick create pages do not have an onLoad property.

As a workaround solution, you can place the script component at the bottom part of the quick create page. This will allow the fields to load prior to firing JavaScript operations.


Posted by pvorobie on 14-Jan-2015 11:10

Tracking this as enhancement request: PSC00325210

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