Adding groups to members

Posted by mysteryminds on 11-Dec-2014 13:09

Is there a way to add groups to bunch of users with specific User Role at once.

What is happening in my system is that I would like to add one specific User Group to bunch of 100+ users from User Role. Is there anyshort cut where we can assign the group to the User role 

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Posted by Godfrey Sorita on 11-Dec-2014 14:19

Hi Kayala,

Assuming the relationship cardinality between USER and GROUP is many-to-one respectively, the easiest way I know is to:
1. Create a view for a certain role in USER object.
2. On the records list page of USER, select the newly created view.
3. Under "Select" drop-down, click "All Users" on all pages.
4. Under "More Actions", click "Mass Update".
5. Click "Design This Page" link to update the Mass Update page.
6. Drag the "Group" lookup field into the page and save the changes.
7. On the "Group" lookup field, select the group you want them to be assigned to.
6. Click Save.


Posted by mysteryminds on 11-Dec-2014 15:04

Thanks Godfrey

Thats seems like a logic, but in reality its hitting bad

eg: If I have 10 users under User Role and if 10 of them have different groups

if I'm inserting new group to all these 10 Users whats happening in the system is that its changing the previous assigned groups to one common setting.



Posted by Godfrey Sorita on 11-Dec-2014 15:15

Can you provide the cardinality of your objects? If you're trying to append relationships, we might have to add a custom JavaScript code to accomplish this.

Posted by Godfrey Sorita on 11-Dec-2014 15:15

Can you provide the cardinality of your objects? If you're trying to append relationships, we might have to add a custom JavaScript code to accomplish this.

Posted by Godfrey Sorita on 12-Dec-2014 15:06

Here's workaround solution to your problem (appending groups instead of replacing the current value):

1. Create another relationship between USER and GROUP with a cardinality many to one respectively. Make sure to use another value (e.g. "Select Group", "Append Group") when naming GROUP lookup field.

2. Create an Attach Related Record trigger in User object. This type of trigger appends records to relationships rather than replacing them. The trigger configuration should be set as follows:

  a. It should not have any timing so it will only run on this specific action.

  b. The relationship to be updated should be the actual group field.

  c. The formula body should return the value of the append GROUP field (e.g. {!R123456#id}).

3. Create a Status Change workflow action. Make sure to enable Group Action so it can be used on More Actions selector. Then move the trigger to the Selected Triggers box to run this trigger when using the workflow action.

4. Modify the Status page and drag the append GROUP lookup in the page.

You should already be able to append group records to multiple users simultaneously using the workflow action under More Actions selector. 

Let me know how it goes.


Posted by mysteryminds on 12-Dec-2014 19:52

For now I've halted it... As running that we've messed up the system, so I need to fix up the mess I've created and start to work on your options.

BTW Godfrey - I have only one group which is All ACCESS, if I'm not assigning this group to the user they are not able to view the attachments. If I assign that group to the users, they are viewing all the records which they are not suppose to view.

Now I would like to know that permissions are inside that GROUP... HOw can I

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