Date filed value format different

Posted by neetuagw on 21-Oct-2014 07:29


My date field shows in object as a format of "10/17/2014".

But I am trying to fetch it from javascript using Server-Side API

"rbv_api.getFieldValue(objName, objId, fieldName)" .

I will the get the value in different format like

"Fri Oct 17 00:00:00 CDT 2014".

How could I get the date in normal Format.

All Replies

Posted by Manooj Murali on 21-Oct-2014 07:50

There is a client side API that you can use to rbf_formatDate(date, format) where date = output of server side API and format as dd/mm/yyyy. Can you please give this a try.


Posted by Rajkumar Mateti on 21-Oct-2014 07:50

Hi Neeetuagw,

Can you try as mentioned in documentation

Hope this helps.



Posted by neetuagw on 21-Oct-2014 08:19

Thanks Manooj and rmateti.

It is working

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